Chapter 45: Trouble

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So, we have been back for two weeks, and so far, Tristan and I have our schedules perfectly aligned, so we spend time together, and I get to see my handsome son.

Everyone loves to stop and tell us how cute he is. The girls seem to stare and smile at Tristan when he has him. This annoys me, but I like the fact he doesn't even notice the attention he is getting.

My classes are pretty easy this year. Paris is the editor, and that's fine because I have a lot on my plate with my husband and son.

Everyone in the newsroom loves to play with Drew when we go to the newsroom during Tristan's class.

Paris is being hard; she makes us post where we will be when we aren't in the newsroom, and no one likes her. Plus, it makes it hard on me since we are friends. Colin is funny when he stops by to visit. He will laugh at her ranting and yelling.

"I am so glad she is like this here and not at home. My feisty woman." She just smiles at him.

They are still doing good, Lane and Robert's wedding is almost planned. We have a few more weeks to finish, then just to wait for the date. Robert bought them a house, and Lane was so happy. 

I am so happy for them. Juliette and Logan are getting close; he comes in every month to visit her for a week, then flies back to London.

I have Drew in his carrier strapped to my chest, and I am working on my story that is due this week. I have completely lost track of time when Tristan comes in. He smiles at me, working away with our son strapped to my chest.

"Baby, you are going to be late to class. Save your work, and let's walk over there."

"Oh, crap, I lost track of time. Okay, let me save this and exit out, then we will go. Can you grab my bag and change my magnet before Paris flips."

"Yes, I can, beautiful." He walked over to the board, moved my magnet to in class and grabbed my bag. I stood up, and we walked across campus to my class. I easily slid Drew out of his carrier, and Tristan held him.

"I will see you at home. When I finish this class, I need to run back to the paper and finish my story. So, I should be home in two hours or so."

"Okay, baby, that's fine. Me and this handsome little man will be waiting for you. I will cook dinner. Be safe, and I love you." He leaned in and kissed her.

"I love you, and I will, baby. You be safe as well. Mommy will see you soon, and I love you, baby boy." She kissed his head and then kissed Tristan again as she watched him walk toward the parking lot.

She went into class and took her seat. She was taking notes and trying to pay attention as best as she could, but her mind was going a million miles an hour. When class was dismissed, she was trying to rush back to the paper. She bumped into someone.

"I'm so sorry." When the girl turned around, it was Summer Tristan's ex.

"It's okay. Oh, hey, I know you, we went to Chilton together. Um, Rory, right?"

"Yes, Rory. Hey, it's been a while; how have you been?"

"I have been good. Just transferred here for my last year."

"Oh, really, transfer. That's nice."

"So, I heard through the grapevine that Paris goes here as well."

"Yes, she does. We were roommates our freshman year. We work on the paper together. She is the editor."

"I bet you love that. I heard another rumor, not sure if it's true or not, but that Tristan goes here. Have you seen him? Is he still hot?"

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