{78} Trail of fire

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"Trail of fire"


As Portia's eyes fixated on the bleak expanse of the wall, her mind swirled in a tempest of despair. The room felt suffocating, the air heavy with silence broken only by the faint sound of her shallow breaths.

Her body, bound and constrained, felt like a prison within itself, each movement met with resistance from the tight restraints that held her captive.

The cloth pressed against her mouth stifled any attempts to speak, the muffled cries of anguish swallowed by the void of the room.

Time seemed to stretch endlessly, each moment dragging on in agonizing slowness as she lay there, trapped in her own torment.

Memories flooded her mind, fragments of a past now tainted by the darkness of her present.

She could feel the weight of every failure, every betrayal, pressing down on her like a heavy burden she could never hope to escape.

As suddenly the heavy footsteps approached, Portia's heart pounded with a mixture of dread and anticipation.

The door creaked open, revealing the looming figures of the men who had come to collect her. Their faces were shrouded in darkness, their movements purposeful and cold.

One of them stepped forward, his voice a harsh whisper cutting through the silence of the room. "Time to go," he said, his tone devoid of any sympathy or remorse.

Portia's eyes darted between the men, her breath catching in her throat as fear tightened its grip around her heart.

She knew she had no choice but to comply, to submit to their will and endure whatever fate awaited her beyond the confines of her prison.

With trembling hands, the men untied her restraints, their touch rough and uncaring as they pulled her to her feet.

The cloth that had gagged her was ripped away, leaving her mouth dry and parched from its confinement.

She stumbled forward, her legs weak and unsteady beneath her as the men guided her out of the room and into the harsh glare of the corridor beyond.

The walls seemed to close in around her, their oppressive presence suffocating her with every step she took.

As they led her down the dimly lit hallway, Portia's mind raced with thoughts of what lay ahead. Where were they taking her? What horrors awaited her in the darkness beyond?

As Portia's eyes landed on the line of cars, her heart sank like a stone in her chest. There, amidst the sleek black vehicles, stood Yuta himself, his menacing presence casting a dark shadow over the scene.

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