{2} A little family problem

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"A little family problem"


"Shhh she's going to be perfectly fine she's not going to leave you" she said hugging me.

I was just staring at the OT door waiting it to be open. My dad was talking with the receptionist. Soon my grandmother and my cousin sister came to the hospital they hugged my father and wow dad's a good actor he's really good at pretending that he cares and love mom. I rolled my eyes and again watching the OT door . My body felt so heavy and exhausting because of crying and screaming. My bestfriend just went to grab water for me. Soon my grandmother approached me and hugged me.

"My baby you look so pale , you think your mother will like seen you like this" she said hugging me. I didn't reply nor did anything just stayed silent.

"Here Portia drink some water" I look up to see my bestfriend giving me water.

She's my bestfriend since birth. She's my favorite person in this whole fucked up world. She's my soulmate. She just gets me and I don't know what I would even do without her. I trust her so much. I love her with all my hearts. We literally went everywhere together holding hands. Knowing we always had and always have each other's back .

"Thank you" I smiled and she greeted my grandmother.

"After that let's go out for a bit you need some fresh air okay" she said caressing my back and I just nodded.

"Yeah take her out this hospital is also very suffocating " my grandma said and looked at me with a moist eyes.

After drinking the water she bought me . Me and Samantha my bestfriend we went to walk around hospital garden. I didn't want to talk to anyone all I could think about was my mother. Samantha didn't speak just hold my hands and we walk for a bit and after some time of getting fresh air. My phone rang and it was my cousin sister.

"Hello yes" I picked up in one second.

"Come inside the doctors here"

After that I ran inside the hospital behind me Samantha was following. I saw my dad talking with doctor grandma was crying everyone was looking down. Why are they crying.

"Doctor how's my mom is she fine ?"" I ask the doctor having some hopes with direct eye contact.

"She went to Coma my dear " he stated my smiled fainted . Tears started to form in my eyes again Samantha immediately holder my shoulder .

"For how long doctor?" I ask him again

"It's confirm that she'll stay in Coma for 6 months but I can't confirmed it now she might take more time I'm sorry dear" he said and went to have a talk with my father I watched him going and talking something with my father.

After that I went to the room where my mom is. I look at her caressing her hand and just looking at her. "Why God why do you have to do this why me ?" I was talking to myself until my eyes was feeling heavy and I didn't even notice when I felt asleep beside her.

When I woke up I was already in my room. I walked to my mom's room and saw her lying senseless in her bed all medicines, saline everything. I felt like crying again but no I can't my mom doesn't like to see me like this. I went inside her room sat beside her . Just looking at her eyes closed, listening her heartbeat rate machine.

Hearing a knock at the door I look behind and saw my dad standing there with a very off look on his face.

"What's wrong dad?" I ask him with a straight face . He looks at me and just felt on the ground on his knees. I stood up from the bed and went upto him.

"Dad what's wrong why you crying?" I ask him in curiosity he never cried before not in front of me tho.

"Portia sweetie I'm sorry I'm so sorry" he said with a tears in his eyes. I didn't know what to do cause he never cried I front of me.

"Dad it's okay don't cry " I tried to calm him down but instead he is crying even more.

"Dad please tell me what happen ?" I ask him

"Portia sweetie it's my company " he cried even more then he was crying before.

"NO I SAID NO HOW COULD YOU SAY THAT DAD" I literally shouted at my dad like how could he say that in this situation.

"Portia sweetie it's only the way to save the company sweetie please try to understand if you not agree to marry then our company will fall apart" he literally beg me joining ands. I look other way my eyes were swollen at this point.

"Dad you don't understand mom just got in an accident and now she's in Coma how could you-- ha- coul" I couldn't even finished my sentence.

" Sweetie it's for our family sweetie just till the company gain its power back you can divorce sweetie please if not for your father please do it for your mother"

"No mommy never wanted this she never wanted me to get married in such an early age no please dad I'm begging you there must be other way to save the company " I said crying in front of him. I never knew I have to beg for my life's decisions.

"No there's no other way sweetie this is the only way please " he said and I am so digusted by my dad at this moment. Why did even mom married him. But at this point I gave up I agree to this marriage proposal.

My dad is so happy. He hug me and told me that he will let that person's family know that I agree to the proposal and they will visit us or I don't know. I felt so bad inside. My brain kept playing the what my mom told me when I was 17.

"No matter what situation will come Portia you'll not let a man rule your life always stand for yourself just for yourself cause no one knows you better than yourself "

"I'm sorry mom I messed up please forgive me" I said looking at her sleeping body. I couldn't stand there anymore. I went to my room and locked myself.

Hope you like it .
It's really short chapter and boring I guess but don't worry upcoming chapters are more interesting and fill with dramas.

Please do support my writing and show some love thankyou.

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