{76} The Lair of Despair

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"The Lair of Despair"


As Portia crumpled to the ground, her body trembling from the effects of Yuta's cruel injection, he callously tossed the syringe aside.

His gaze lingered on her for a moment, a twisted mixture of satisfaction and disdain dancing in his eyes, before he turned away, leaving her to suffer.

Before departing, he thrust another syringe into Ten's hand, his voice dripping with menace as he issued his chilling ultimatum.

"Administer it within five minutes, or she'll suffer a fate worse than death," Yuta commanded, his tone devoid of any hint of remorse.

"Then why did you use it on her in the first place??." Ten questioned.

Yuta's response was chillingly indifferent. "Don't question me, Ten," he spat, his words laced with venom. "Just follow my orders, or suffer the consequences."

With a disdainful glance back at Portia's crumpled form, Yuta strode away, leaving Ten to grapple with the impossible choice before him.

His words dripped with malice as he turned to leave, leaving Ten to deal with the aftermath of his sadistic whims.

Ten felt a wave of disgust wash over him at Yuta's callousness. "You're becoming more twisted every day, Yuta," he muttered under his breath as he approached Portia, the syringe in hand.

"But I won't let you destroy her," he vowed silently, his heart heavy with the weight of the choices he was forced to make.

As he injected the antidote into Portia's veins, he prayed silently for her survival, knowing that time was of the essence.

In the dimly lit room, Jeonghan's mind was consumed by thoughts of their impending attack on Yuta. The weight of the mission pressed heavily on his shoulders, overshadowed only by the uncertainty surrounding Portia's fate.

She was their unwitting pawn in this dangerous game, her innocence hanging in the balance as they navigated the treacherous waters of their enemy's stronghold.

As he mulled over their next move, a voice broke through his reverie, jolting him back to the present. It was Woozi, his trusted ally and confidant, his tone urgent and filled with purpose. "Hyung, is Portia still wearing that bracelet?"

Jeonghan's brow furrowed in confusion at the unexpected question. "Yes, the last time I saw her, that bracelet was still on her hand. But why are you asking that? Didn't you remove the tracking device from it?"

Woozi's lips curled into a sly grin, a glint of mischief dancing in his eyes. "I did remove it, but I replaced it with our tracking device."

Jeonghan's mind raced with a mixture of hope and desperation as Woozi's revelation sank in. "You mean to say, we can track her location now?" he asked, his voice tinged with urgency.

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