{68} Enchanted chains

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"Enchanted chains"

⍣ ೋ

As Portia's sleek car glides through the grand gates of their sprawling estate, the maids, dressed in uniforms, stand ready to welcome her.

The gate of the mansion swing open, revealing a stunning entrance yard adorned with opulent fountain and grass floors that glisten in the soft glow of the afternoon sun.

With a gracious smile, Portia steps out of her car, her radiant beauty accentuated by the luxurious surroundings. The maids, ever attentive, rush to her side, eager to assist her with the bags. They carefully take hold of each one, their expert hands ensuring that not a single item is misplaced or damaged.

As Portia makes her way through the entrance , the maids follow closely behind, their footsteps silent against the plush carpeting. The air is filled with a sense of elegance and sophistication, as if every corner of the mansion holds a touch of magic.

As ,her hand touches the door ,She pushes the door of their grand mansion.

Her eyes widen in sheer amazement as she gasps at the breathtaking sight that greets her.

The entire space is transformed into a romantic wonderland, with roses adorning every corner, including the floor covered in a sea of delicate rose petals. The air is filled with the sweet scent of the flowers, creating an intoxicating ambiance.

The room is aglow with the soft flickering light of countless candles, casting a warm and romantic glow across the space.

As she steps further into the room, Portia feels like she's in a dream. The walls are adorned with cascading floral arrangements, creating a stunning backdrop for the scene. The vibrant hues of the roses, ranging from deep reds to soft pinks, create a visual feast for the eyes.

"What is going on here?." She says, looking around.

As Portia chuckles with delight, she notices a heart-shaped letter nestled within a beautiful vase.

Curiosity piqued, she walks over and carefully opens it, revealing a heartfelt message from her beloved.

It reads, "To my beautiful wife, happy eight months of together." A wave of warmth washes over Portia as she reads those words, feeling the depth of love and appreciation in each carefully chosen phrase.

But the surprises don't end there! As Portia continues to explore the room, she finds another letter waiting for her on the floor, adorned with rose petals.

With a smile on her face, she picks it up and begins to read. The words on the page fill her heart to the brim with love and affection.

"I love you abundantly, you are my everything." The intensity of the emotions conveyed in those simple yet powerful words leaves Portia breathless.

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