Chapter 37: Into The Ari-Verse: Part Two

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The sounds of shouts could be heard as the group of heroes continued to fall through what felt like a never ending portal. Where were they headed this time? None of them knew. Not until the end of the portal finally opened and everyone went crash landing onto the grassy surface of the earth.

Nova was the first one to regain his lost strength and stood up, groaning in pain from the impact of the landing while dusting the dirt off of him. "Where are we now?"

"Looks like we're in the middle of the woods or something." Power-Man clarified as his eyes trailed around, only to see see many overgrown trees and the eerie sounds of birds cawing in the night sky could be heard.

"Creepy..." Nova shuddered.

"Is it just me, or does this place seem familiar?"  WhiteTiger asked, catching their attention once she stood up.

"Oh, don't tell me. Are we on some sort of enemy base?" Spider-Man asked sarcastically.

"I think... we are." Iron Fist spoke up as he walked ahead, making his way out of the woods. It was almost as if he was in a trance by something that was able to lead him out of the many mazes of trees, bushes, and shrubs.

The others followed behind him since no one had any other better plan, but could tell that something was definitely off about this place. And their wondering thoughts about where they were we soon answered when they came across the wide open fields and meadows with a gigantic castle entering their view. But it wasn't just any old castle.

"No way! We can't be! We're... in Latveria?!" Spider-Man exclaimed. "That has Doom written all over it!"

"However, something seems... different." Iron Fist commented.

"Whatever it is, we have to figure out where Goblin went and find Ari before he does. We-"

"Not one! Step! Closer!" The spider hero was cut off when a loud and almost demonic voice interrupted him. A figure wearing metal armor with a hood covering over their head and also a long, flowing dark green cape appeared in front of them, gently hovering down to the ground.

The heroes all got ready in their fighting stances, ready to battle against the Latverian King. However, Iron Fist was the only one that seemed to notice that something was very different about this particular looking Doctor Doom. More... elegant and... feminine almost. But he couldn't tell due to the fact that the figure was wearing a full metal armored face mask.

"You! Fury's little trainees! You dare set foot on Latverian grounds?! After what you did?! You shall pay for your crimes!" The figure held their hand up, power surging around their palm and was ready to blast them with a power beam when Spider-Man took the liberty to intervene.

"Wait! Hold on! We didn't come here to fight! We came to warn you about someone!" He tried to reason with who he thought was the most wanted villain in the world.

"Warn me? For what reason? If you ask me, you're the ones that should be warned. You all just walked right into my trap." The figure chuckled deeply before snapping their fingers.

The ground began to shake under their feet and the patches of the ground were split apart with Doombots appearing out from underneath the ground, getting ready to strike once given the command.

Their eyes widen in shock while Spider-Man just facepalmed himself. "Of course... robots absolutely hate me."

"Any last words before you all meet your demise?" The figure asked.

"Yes! Just listen to us! We're here to warn someone. We're trying to find her so we can tell her that an evil maniac is after her! We're just trying to find Aria!" The leader exclaimed.

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