Chapter 24: Beach Day

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I was currently in the S.H.I.E.L.D training room as it was empty right now. I wanted some peace and quiet right now and at Avenger's tower it's far from quiet and peaceful.

And we had no training yet so I decided to take up some meditation and yoga. Yeah, this was Danny's idea. He's been hinting that I should take it up to help with my anger and anxiety. And I have to say, it is helping. Especially for my sore muscles.

"Ah... that felt good." I sighed in content as I felt my back and shoulders pop and crack. Although, I probably could've just asked Power-Man for a back massage. Or Danny.

I switched positions and arched my back while stretching my arms out. I moaned in pain as I felt my lower waist pop and I couldn't keep my position. "Man... how does Danny make this look easy?..."

"You mentioned me?" I turned around to see my beloved boyfriend standing there with a smirk on his lips as he leaned against the metal door frame. Unlike me, he was wearing his hero costume for whatever reason. But I didn't care. He looked hot in whatever.

I smiled and sat down on the floor as I rubbed over my aching back. "I always talk about you. You just don't really know when." I chuckled.

He walked up to me and sat down in front of me, brushing my messy hair back. "Right. Here, let me help you. Lie down for me."

I blushed as he placed his hand on my hips but I listened to him. I laid down on my back and I blushed even more as he moved to position himself to hover over me.

He had his hands placed down on either side of my head as he smirked down me. "Hi, gorgeous.~"

I blushed even more as I tried to not make direct eye contact with him but I couldn't help it. Especially when he lifted my chin up to look back up at him. "H-hi, hon.~" I stuttered a little.

"So, should I go straight to offering my assistance or can I kiss you?~" He boldly asked.

"I-I don't see why you can't do both.~" I giggled giddily. He's never been this flirty and sweet. Or maybe he has but every time just leaves me speechless.

"Lift your leg up for me." He ordered.

I tried to keep myself from turning bright red as I listened to what he said and slowly lifted my leg up. He then placed his hand up under my thigh to support it and helped me push back.

"Let me know if it begins to feel intense." He said as he helped push my leg back up to where my chest was.

I groaned as I felt my stiff muscles stretching at the new position it wasn't used to. I lifted my arms up and wrapped them around his neck as some sort of support and took a deep breath. "How is this... supposed to help?"

"It assists in stretching out the muscles. Feel how stiff and tense they are? Stretching constantly can help your fighting skills become more fluid." He explained as he leaned down closer to my face. "Will a kiss help soften the pain?~"

"It might.~" I smirked back at him as I moved my hand up to slowly take off his bandana mask and placed it aside.

I moved my hand over to cup his face as he leaned down closer and pressed his soft warm lips against mine, kissing me sweetly yet passionately.

As he kissed me he let go of my leg and moved over to repeat the same process, lifting my thigh up and helping to stretch out my stiff muscles. I moaned in the kiss as I tried to get used to the burning pain.

That was until a sudden loud cracking noise was heard and he pulled back from the kiss and released my thigh as I moaned loudly from the sudden pain then relaxed.

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