Chapter 28 : Interview

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After that whole situation with Loki and Spider-Man joining the Avengers, I needed some time off. Especially since I still wasn't healed enough for me to keep training back at S.H.I.E.L.D or the Avengers.

So, I've just been going to school and back home for the past couple of days, hanging out with my friends. I've also been talking to MJ more as well. I'm trying to get to know her better.

"So, MJ. How's the reporter career going for you?" I asked her as Harry, MJ and I were sitting together at lunch. Peter and the others had something to do. Probably more training. Which I'm not allowed to do yet. Fury's orders.

"Going good. I once got the chance to interview Spider-Man. Jameson actually noticed my video despite it not being so popular. But now, I'm thinking of interviewing someone else. Another hero." He explained.

"Oh really? Who?" I asked.

"That new hero working with Spider-Man's team. That new girl, Valor!" He stated excitedly.

She almost caused me to spit out my water from her sudden news. She wants to interview me?! Or, Valor at least. But why?

"Valor? You should! Hey, can I be there? I wanna meet her. Between us, Valor is hot." Harry smirked which I blushed at.

But my eyes also widen as he let out his secret. Did he... have a crush on Valor?! Or.. me?! I'm so confused!

"Do you... like her?" I asked him my thoughts out loud.

"Yeah, kinda. That mask makes her look hot. And her suit design! Who wouldn't fall for that." He chuckled.

I just bit my lip as I couldn't say anything. I couldn't expose my identity to them. I know I've said before I don't really care who knows. But there's a few people that I don't know I should let know my identity.

"Think she's hot all you want. But I think she's taken." MJ spoke up.

"I wouldn't be surprised. But I am curious by who." Harry seemed to be thinking it through. "Maybe Spider-Man? Or that Nova guy?"

"Nova?! Ha, as if! Uh- I mean... it's just a rumor, right?" I laughed nervously as both of them looked over at me confused.

"Well, that's what I'm gonna find out. Hopefully she'll accept my offer to interview her." MJ smiled at the thought.

"Maybe she'll agree. But you also have to remember there are some things a hero needs to keep a secret. Remember that." I warned her.

"Don't worry. I get that." She nodded her head. "And hopefully it'll be just an interview and not end up as some battle between an energy monster with the Hulk." She said with a small chuckle.

"Uh, what?" I asked in shock. I never heard of that story. Was this before I came to New York? It had to be. Right?

"Nevermind. Anyway, we should get going to our next class. See ya later, guys." She waved by before getting up and leaving the cafeteria.

Harry and I just watched her leave in confusion before we both just shrugged at each other before we did the same and headed off to our next class. But instead, I went to the detention room which is actually a secret passageway to the Tricarrier.

My normal school clothes were instantly replaced with my hero costume as I was taken down the secret underground tunnel and instantly appeared in the training room where I saw everyone practicing their own skills.

"Wait, Ari?! What are you doing here? Fury said your not allowed back once you're fully healed." White Tiger said as she walked up to me once the training course was paused.

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