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*Same 5 years as All In's epilogue, same day too*

5 years later:
The woman in front of me smiles at me one more time before moving to the next table for her serving of food. I was tasked with handing out clothes today, which I have no issues with at all.

The warehouse is moving smoothly today, and it hasn't been crazy busy or anything, which can actually be a good thing because that means everyone has what they need for now.

In reality, we, as in our original team of eight, don't need to be working in the warehouse anymore, we have plenty of help to cover that. But we still like to pop in every now and then to one-on-one meet with the people and to just go back to our roots.

Over the last few years, we've been building up our operations and now we have more facilities and space than ever.

I worked side-by-side with Chan in organizing the plans for helping the stray animals in the allies. That will always be one of my proudest accomplishments, even though I'm not fully in control of it anymore.

Since our group has a lot of responsibility with heists and helping all the people, helping animals to the same degree was too much on our plates. Especially since we started taking other jobs that GOT7 gives us, I would have barely had time to manage the animal refuge.

For the animal's sake, I ultimately decided to hand over most of the ownership to a smaller group called Boy Story.

With the new buildings, we've been able to house a few people who really need it. Among those people, there's been a few kids who needed a place to stay. When we take in kids, we house them for a while and give them the choice to stay with us or to move on when they get the chance. Boy Story is made up of kids that decided to stay.

They went through training and learned about what their new responsibilities would be and proved themselves ready. Since I was the one to originally draft up the animal refuge idea, Chan made me be the one to decide what to do.

In the end, I'm glad I handed it over. The operations seem to be running very well and there haven't been many issues. The biggest issue is that one time the animals got loose in the 'people' warehouse and kind of trashed the place, but the kids apologized a ton of times and cleaned everything up.

We might not have full control of the refuge anymore, but the whole operation is still housed in our buildings, which is why we have some control. I also didn't want to lose my work completely, so I made sure to at least keep a seat open for myself to watch Boy Story grow with my idea.

Two more good things came from the animal refuge too.

One, the members decided to get pets. Minho and Jisung got 3 cats and a little dog, Chan got a dog a couple years ago and recently found another puppy, and I got a little black and white dog named Kkami.

And two, after our teams fused together, Chan and Minho realized we needed to rename the group. We both had our reasonings for our old names, but since we're now one big group, we needed a new one.

In the end, it was my idea that helped the most. The name 'Stray Kids' comes from the idea that we help the strays, both people and animals. The other members also liked it because we all were once strays too, mostly during our childhoods.

The last 5 years have been amazing, and while yes, we've had some bumps and arguments, having a full house of people what want to support you like a family is something I didn't think I would get again.

Over the first few months after we fused together, my entire mentality changed. Obviously I'm not against the new operations anymore, in fact I'd be devastated if we split up now. And Seungmin and I made up. Well.. made up is a way to describe it.

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