Chapter 1

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Directly after chapter 70 from 'All In':
Seungmin's POV:

Minho and Chan give each other a firm handshake, solidifying a partnership.

Everything happened so fast, I barely had time to register everything before we reached this point in time.

When I found out Jisung was having a secret relationship, I felt nothing but shock and a little hurt that I didn't know. Jeongin knew, so why didn't I?

With plans for the future of the group being made and Jisung's relationship looking great, thoughts of my future started infesting my mind. But I haven't had time to really dissect them yet.

As soon as the leaders disconnected from the hand shake, all their team members crowd them to celebrate.

Mostly everyone looks happy, besides the tall blonde from Minho's team. I try to look happy, but apparently I stick out as he notices me and sends me a less than appealing face.

What was that about?

He finds Minho in the small crowd of people and tugs on his shirt gently and slowly pulling him from the crowd. Minho looks confused as they shuffle out of the room into the hallway for privacy.

Absolutely not. This isn't their house.

I break away from the crowd too and peek into the hallway to hear their voices coming from the living room. I step closer and plant myself to listen in.

"Don't you see how this can be dangerous? I know you 'love Jisung' or whatever but are you really willing to throw away our group's safety just for him?" Hyunjin sounds so annoyed.

Minho scoffs and probably takes a step forward. "Are you serious? I thought I already explained this to you yesterday that I'm dead serious about this whole thing. What's wrong with you? Why are you so against everything now?"

"I'm looking out for my team members! You're our leader, that's supposed to be your job!" Hyunjin whisper-shouts.

Minho replies back in a darker tone. "Don't you dare question my commitment to this team. Everything I've ever done has been for either my team, or now my boyfriend. Don't you think I'm trying to do what's best now? Instead of being so pissy, maybe you should be thankful for the new opportunities I've laid out for you."

Hyunjin doesn't reply back for a while, probably stunned or at a loss for words after Minho's stern statements.

"Why don't you try to understand me, hyung? This is new and we've never done something with another group like this before, not since GOT7 at least. The members of this team look fake and like they could be of trouble. The youngest one could be cute as a lie, Chan threatened you several times, that Seungmin guy is sketchy, and what if Jisung is lying to you-"

Just as Minho was about to start talking, I turn from the corner and stand in doorway to the living room. "Who do you think you are?"

Hyunjin and Minho turn to look at me. Minho still looks angry, and Hyunjin is kind of shocked.

"Excuse me, we're talking." Hyunjin sneered.

"In my house. You have some nerve talking bad about the team members that own the property you stand on." I cross my arms and Hyunjin back tracks.

Minho glares at Hyunjin one more time, mouthing something that looks like 'later' before slipping past me to go back to the rest of the guys.

Once Minho is out of the room, Hyunjin faces me and tries to put on the most intimidating face he can. It doesn't work on me, I've seen Chan angry before.

He takes a step closer, I stay in my spot. "You stay away from me. I don't trust any one of you. If you were smart, you would be cautious of this whole thing too." He says in a dark tone.

I cross my arms and look directly at him. "I don't think smarts has anything to do with this. Maybe your lack of emotional intelligence and sensitivity is the problem." I say clearly for him to hear.

His eyes go wide and his stance breaks out of shock from my response. "What?"

"Mmm, that must be part of it. You know, if you were smart, you would have understood what I just said."

His jaw falls a bit from his words being thrown back at him. Before he even has the chance to respond, I uncross my arms and turn to go back to our groups.

Before completely turning the corner though, I face him one more time. "And don't break anything over here. I don't think you'd be able to repay for it."

I'm back bby!

Hopefully this journey will be as great as the last one, this book will lead into something big. 

This definitely was a great start, and expect more of that sass as we go on. It's been so weird having to write lines, then make a roast for that line, and one back. But I think it worked out anyway.

I hope you guys stick around for this one, I've been trying hard to pump out chapters for this story with school and work going on at the same time. TBH all the chapters might not be the same length, but it's not without reason.

I don't know how long this one is going to be, we'll just have to wait and see if I can stay on my "plan" or not. I say 'plan' because I have a beginning, middle, and end, but nothing in between. I'm just kind of writing whatever comes to me as I go, it worked last time.

Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy. Be ready for this shit show, cause it's already a mess.

Idk what to do for every chapter this time around, so if you have a suggestion leave a comment or message me. I'm creative, but not that creative.

Love you guys!🖤❤️🖤❤️🖤

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