Chapter 35

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Jisung finishes with a hopeful smile, and I sit there in confusion. What does he mean he wants to do the same with me?

He wants to do the same that Chan and Minho did, but I don't really see how.

Before this whole arrangement started, Chan was on the verge of killing Minho every chance he could get, one mess up at that was it. It wasn't till a bit after Jisung was brought back home that Chan finally decided Minho wasn't a threat. Only then did they make the deal and now they're working together.

Exactly how someone can go from wanting to eliminate a threat, to offering a space in their home to them in a flash is beyond me. Which is why I don't understand what Jisung wants from me right now.

"What...what do you mean? How do you want to do the same?" I ask.

He shifts in his spot. "Well, the way I see it, Minho and I are the same, and you and Chan are the same." He says, looking at me as if I'm supposed to get what he means.

"I'm still not really getting it."

"What I mean is, me and Minho are the same in that we were fighting for each other, and we connected the groups together. You and Chan were fighting against each other, to keep everyone separate." And safe, I think to myself.

"Not only that, but I was at odds with Chan, and you were with Minho. We were fighting with members of our own group. After finding out everything Chan did and said, my trust in him still isn't the same as before." He says while looking at his hands in his lap.

I didn't think it affected him that much. Surely Jisung understands why Chan did what he did, but I guess you never really know how much your actions will hurt another person.

I don't respond as he looks back up to me.

"And I don't know the whole story, but I know you and Minho were butting heads at one point too." Little does he know that I haven't had a normal conversation with Minho in a couple of weeks.

"I know that relationship between you guys might take some time to fix, which is understandable, really." He assures me. "But for right now, I want to try to be like Chan and Minho. They get along just fine now, so maybe we can do the same."

Since the start of the arrangement, I haven't really spoken to Jisung or anything. Not that I didn't want to, just that we hadn't had a one-on-one interaction just yet.

Because of this, there hasn't been the chance for him to tell me off about what I did. I figured that's what he wanted to do when he came in here, but instead he wants to be friends?

"So.... You're saying you forgive me?" I ask, how else could he come in here and say all this without having forgave me?

"Well.. yes and no. I said before, I know why you did what you did, and can't blame you for that. And you did try to keep my boyfriend from me. But, I think I've seen improvement in you, hyung. And because of that, I'm willing to start over with you." Jisung smiles and holds out his hand to me.

"We don't have to be friends for right now, but we can at least agree to not be enemies."

Wouldn't that just be acquaintances?

I don't want to question his logic, this is an opportunity to work on bettering my relationships here. And I honestly feel like I owe it to him since he came to me and spilled out his heart as it seems.

With an inhale, I reach out and shake Jisung's hand, which makes his smile wider. His smile widens until he's practically griming from ear-to-ear, and he throws himself forward, wrapping his arms around my shoulders.

"Yay, see, Hyunjinnie? That wasn't so hard."

I'm not sure I want to be this guy's acquaintance anymore.

Before I could say anything to get Jisung off me, noise comes from the front of the house, announcing the return of our team members.

Jisung perks up and says something I didn't quite catch before running out of my room to meet up with everyone. And by everyone, I mean his boyfriend.

So.... now what?

Honestly, Jisung gave me more hope for this whole thing. There's certain things I'm still not 100% on, like taking their responsibilities, figuring out Minho and I's relationship now, and Seungmin as a whole.

But if this kid can 'forgive me' after all I did to him, maybe I can work on changing my state of mind too.

Character development? Idk we'll see....

Ok so good news, I'm editing the second to last chapter, then all I need is to do the epilogue and it's done! But we all know how reliable I am sometimes, sooooo... idk we'll see lol

Love you guys! ❤️🖤❤️🖤❤️🖤❤️🖤

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