Chapter 31

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"What- What do you want, Hyunjin?" I just say what came to mind first.

Hyunjin backs up from me after he has me in the spot he wanted. From the looks of it, he's been up for a while because he's not even in his pajamas and his hair is neatly styled to fall around his face.

My god, I wish I wish he didn't do that, it makes it hard to hate his stupid face.

"We need to talk." He simply says.

I wait for him to continue, which he doesn't. Ok, I guess I have to carry the conversation.

"About what?" This is as good a time as any to try to get my plan going. Maybe he'll notice what I'm doing and play along, it would make things so much easier.

"Don't play dumb, you know what I'm talking about." He demands, stepping closer to me.

Ok, so the plan isn't going to work.

I sigh and look off to the side. "We don't have to talk about that. It was a mistake, let's just move on."

"How was it a mistake? You leaned up to kiss me. I saw you do it!"

"You kissed back! If you're so upset, be mad at yourself too, you half of the problem." I point out.

Hyunjin backs up and his face pinches. By now, it's not hard to know that's his habit for when he's upset or angry with a situation.

He looks back at me. "Well, you started it. This wouldn't have been a problem if you hadn't tried to stop me." He looks pleased with himself for that one.

I push off the door, stepping forward with confidence to speak. "I already told you, you leaving was only filled with selfish motives. You didn't stop to think about what it would do to the group, did you?"

He doesn't answer right away, maybe because he's trying to find another witty answer. When he can't find one, he just takes a step forward.

"How was that selfish? It's not like I was dragging anyone with me."

That was weak, really.

"It's selfish because you didn't consider how everyone else would feel. Think about Minho, he moved you guys here because he thought it would be a good opportunity for you, and instead of taking it, you run away because of one run in with the police." I spill out.

Hyunjin shakes his head. "That's not the point-"

"I'm not done." I cut him off. "Once you were gone, how would Minho feel? How would Chan feel? How would your team members feel knowing their 'brother' ran away from them with no notice and no explanation?"

At that, Hyunjin stops and thinks. I don't know exactly what goes through his head, but his faces relaxes more with each second.

I watch his reaction as he thinks it over for a minute, really just hoping he's starting to understand the point I was trying to get across. Suddenly, he looks straight at me and takes a quick step forward. The speed and change of reaction startles me and I back up to press myself against the door again.

When I can't move further, he leans in close to my face.

"Stop telling me what to think. I've already tried to give this a chance, but nothing has gone right here. To me, all you're doing is trying to put ideas in my head so your team can benefit from us." He says with a dark tone, no room for any other options.

Hearing is accusation, I stand tall and set my face as stern as his.

"Don't bring the rest of my group into this. We were doing fine before you guys came along. Unlike you, I think you would benefit more from this than we would." I spit back.

After my statement, we both just stand with fiery gazes on each other, kind of like last night. The difference from last night though, is that Hyunjin doesn't fall forward. Instead, I catch both his and my own eyes glancing down a couple of times.

I had to check a few times to make sure I was seeing correctly, but we slowly move closer and closer to each other with every second.

After the trouble last night caused, I'm not entirely sure I want this to happen again. But then why can't I stop myself from moving?

Just as we were about a centimeter from each other, the bathroom handle turns to open the door. Immediately, me and Hyunjin turn to the door, but stay in our spots where we stand.

At the door, Jeongin is looking up from his phone, his hand still on the handle. After about a few seconds of staring at us, he scoffs softly and closes the door.

We don't talk, don't move, maybe not even breathe. What now?

The only thing we hear is Jeongin's steps out of the hallway to the main part of the house, and his muffled voice. "Why is it always me who has to see all the icky couple stuff?"

I don't even know why I'm surprised anymore, at this point the update time should just be 'Monday or Tuesday, idk it's a surprise'

I do have good news though. I'm almost done writing this one, there's only like 5 or so chapters left for me to finish. If you were here when 'All In' was finishing being posted, you know what's gonna happen now, if not, lemme explain.

Basically, when I finish the last chapter, I'll be updating everyday until I run out. When that happens I'll let you guys know, mostly because I'm not going to tell you how many chapters there are in total, it's a surprise oooo.

Love you guys! 🖤❤️🖤❤️🖤❤️🖤❤️🖤

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