Chapter 9

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As expected, the drive was very uncomfortable and seemed like it took forever. It didn't help that Felix and Changbin were being all touchy and giggling together in the back either.

We finally pulled up to the new house, seeing a small pile of full trash bags next to the garage. I guess that room really was in terrible shape, that makes me more obligated to stay there.

When we park and hop out of the van, we all grab our bags, going directly into the house. Immediately, we're greeted by a pile of boxes and more trash bags right in front of the front door. Minho pushes the pile over a bit to allow us in just as Chan comes round the corner.

"Sorry about that! I told Jeongin to put the bags next to the door, not in front." Chan says through his teeth. From around the corner, I see a flash of a shirt, assuming that's Jeongin running for his life.

"Anyway, that room had a lot more stuff in there than I thought it did. That's where all this came from. If you guys want, you can go put your things in your rooms. Hyunjin, I can show you to yours, if you want." Chan offers, already facing the direction of the room.

As Felix and Changbin move to go to their guest room, Minho goes towards the stairs, being intercepted by Jisung, who looks really excited to have Minho staying with him.

I nod in response to Chan and start to follow him. He leads me to a room opposite to the others. It's on the first floor and on the opposite side of the house, it'll be quiet there, nice.

As he walks me to the room, he looks down at his watch, noticing the time. Realizing this, he jolts and quickly turns to me. "I didn't realize what time it was. I have an important meeting with GOT7 in 5 minutes. Here's your room, we tried to clean as much as we could, but obviously there are a few things left in the corners, don't mind that. If you need anything ask someone from our team, they can help you. Sorry, I got to go. Make yourself at home, we're happy to have you guys here." He said quickly, before moving to his meeting.

Once Chan was out of sight, I turned to the room and peeked inside.

The room allowed plenty of natural light, but didn't have too many things on the walls besides a clock and some boxes still stacked up pretty high.

Against the left wall is the broken up bed frame. There isn't mattress in the room right now, instead there's what looks like a full sized air mattress on the floor.

And standing over the bed is Seungmin, straightening out the pillows and blankets on the mattress.

When I walk through the door and finally set down one of my bags, he looks up and moves away from the bed. "Oh, you guys are back."

"Mmm. What are you doing in here? Setting a trap to kill me in the middle of the night?" I say, only really meaning it a little.

Seungmin sighs and puts his hands in his pockets. "Can't you just get over yourself? Just accept that we're all part of a team. You guys are moving in already, don't you think it's time to drop this whole thing?"

I don't answer. I was contemplating that on the way here, but I don't need Seungmin to make that decision for me.

When I don't respond, Seungmin looks down and gestures to the bed.

"We don't have the mattress for the frame yet because we don't use this room for sleeping. We're gonna try to get one in the next month for you." He looks around the room. "The closet is there, there's a few hangers in there but we can get you more if you need them. The bathroom is there, all the toiletries and towels should be there, but if you need anything else tell us. As for other furniture, that's gonna be a project for later."

Seungmin steps around the mattress and walks past me towards the door. Before leaving he turns to me.

"You're welcome by the way. No one else volunteered to set your bed or bathroom up so if it wasn't for me you would have to do it yourself."

I search for words to make a response, but Seungmin walks away before I can come up with something.

He's making it hard for me to hate him. I hate it.

I don't have a note for this one.

Hope you guys had a great Easter!

Love you guys! ❤️🖤❤️🖤❤️🖤

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