Chapter 13

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Hyunjin's POV:
I don't know what possessed me to go do that, but I did and it's done so.

If I was thinking completely straight, I wouldn't have even left my room in the first place, let alone go ask Seungmin for a re-teach. Not only did I surprise myself, he also surprised me by how easily he agreed to help me. I thought he hated me.

I guess I just expected Seungmin to laugh and turn me away, especially since I haven't been the nicest person ever. But I guess this is a good sign. Maybe Seungmin teaching me means the team is accepting me.

Which is great and all, but it still doesn't really change my mind about this whole thing. Last night to this morning to right now, I've been trying to reason with myself that this is all ok, that nothing will go wrong. But every time I think that way, the idea that this could all be a lie comes back.

I've been lied to enough, I should know when to take myself out of a situation by now. It's like I haven't learned anything throughout these years.

Now I really don't know what to think. Should I let my guard down and try this with the risk, or listen to myself and actually save myself from another situation?

There is so much going on right now that I can't see a clear answer. It's hard to unlearn something you spent years drilling into your mind.

Maybe the answer will become clearer as we move on. I'll just have to keep my guard up, but loose enough to consider the new opportunity.

Frankly, I don't see how the warehouse benefits us. We'll see tomorrow how solid of an operation they have going on here.


This morning when I woke up and went to the kitchen to find some breakfast, everyone else was already up and going. They all looked up and stared at me when I walked in, which made me kind of uncomfortable. I didn't know we had to be up at a certain time.

When everyone went back to eating and talking amongst themselves, Chan came up to me and pat my shoulder.

"Good morning, Hyunijn. I hope you slept well, sorry I guess me and my guys forgot to tell you about when we all wake up." He says, sounding embarrassed and sorry.

"No, it's also my bad, I forgot we had stuff to do today." No, I didn't. They were just talking so loud over here that I woke up to the noise.

"Well still, sorry. But yes, today you guys are starting training in warehouse preparation. I hope my team explained the warehouse good enough to everyone yesterday." Chan says, kind of asking his team if they did or not.

They nod and Seungmin quickly spares a glance in my direction. I really hope he doesn't say anything about last night, it's embarrassing enough I did that, I don't need everyone in the house knowing about it.

Chan nods. "Good, you'll need to know at least a little background about the warehouse before you go in to work. That way you understand why we do what we do and what our purpose as a group is. Anyway, Hyunjin, have a seat. There's plenty of food left, help yourself. My team, we're gonna go set everything up for training today." Chan orders.

His team complies, standing and stretching to follow their leader. Of course, Jisung and Minho have to spend an extra second together which makes me look away from them. I'm still deciding if I like this whole thing or not, accepting them is part of it unfortunately.

When Chan and his team leave, Minho turns to us. "So, how have you guys been feeling? Do you think this whole thing will work?" He asks to everyone.

To no surprise, Changbin and Felix nod. They actually enjoyed the lesson yesterday and I haven't seen them complain a single time while being here.

Minho turned to me when I didn't answer, waiting for me to at least say something. I shrug my shoulders and take a bite of toast. I still don't know how I feel about this, so I can't really give him an exact answer like he wants.

Minho sits back and sighs, probably because he expected me to answer him clearly. "Well at least most of us are happy. I've been working with Bangchan closely, so sorry I haven't had time to check in on you guys. The plans we've made for the future of this group are big and on their way. I don't think I can tell you guys much right now, but just know that from now on, we don't have to rely on ourselves." Minho says.

What does he mean by that?

"Wait, hyung. I've been wondering, do we have to take on their responsibilities now? I know we're doing this training thing today, but are we really gonna be working for them now?" Changbin asks, sounding a little bitter to the idea.

Minho shakes his head. "We're not working for them. If that was the case I wouldn't have agreed to this all. We're working with them, we're all on the same team now. But yes, we're gonna be doing their job too. So make sure you're paying attention, we need to learn this stuff."

Felix and Changbin nod while I just look elsewhere. I am going to participate today, but not 100%. I didn't ask to take over their responsibilities so this isn't my decision at all.

Literally, I have no idea what to say so....

Have a great day!

Love you guys!❤️🖤❤️🖤❤️🖤❤️

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