Chapter 19

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Seungmin's POV:
It's been 2 weeks since the first warehouse day with the new guys.

They started to pick things up and the operation is starting to run more smoothly with the extra hands. And the lady from the first day was right, a few new people have shown up. Now, whether their reason for showing was because of Hyunjin is debatable, but there are new people nonetheless.

Hyunjin, for some reason, is less prickly. I don't know what clicked in him, but for some reason he isn't dropping sass everywhere he goes. I think he might be getting used to the idea of being in the team, but you can never know for sure.

When we're at home, he's always in his room. Like an angsty teenager.

Yesterday we had our first heist as a conjoined group. We all didn't go, because 8 people in a small store with cameras and security systems is pushing it. Instead just 2 from each team went. Chan, me, Minho, and Changbin. It's a weird combination, but it worked.

We're gonna start going on heists more often because with more mouths to feed and plans for our group in the works, we need the money. Of course, the idea that we might be pushing our luck a little is there, but Chan doesn't seem to be too worried about it.

Just a bit ago, Chan, Felix, Jeongin, and Minho left to go on a heist at some clothing store. I don't know where Jisung and Changbin are, but I know that Hyunjin is in the backyard doing something.

I've kind of been curious what he does in there all day, so I guess now might be as good a time as ever to try to sneak a peek.

I make my way to the kitchen, which has a back door leading to the backyard. When I look through the window to outside, I see Hyunjin standing at a canvas, working on an unfinished painting of a landscape. I watch for a minute as he gently brushes the blue sky onto the canvas, making sure each stroke of paint is in the right place.

He has an ear bud in, tuning everything besides his thoughts and creativity out from his attention.

It's still light outside, making the scene bright with natural light. In this lighting, Hyunjin looks more beautiful- I mean... his painting looks more beautiful.

I don't know how long I was standing at the window, watching with fascination as he expertly handles the canvas before he stretches and turns around to come inside.

In a panic, I run from the window, sitting at the closest seat I can find. I almost fall over the bar-stool seat at the counter, pulling out and almost dropping my phone so I don't look suspicious.

Right as I open some random game, Hyunjin walks in, stirring the cup of water he was using. He looks up to me only for a moment while heading to the sink to get some clean water.

While he wipes the sides of the cup so water doesn't get on the floor, he clears his throat, making me look up.

I look up to see him smirking.

"I must be a cop because I keep catching you stealing glances at me."


He tilts his head. "Don't be stupid. I know you've been staring at me through the window." He motions to the window I was in fact staring at him through.

I shake my head and look down at my phone. "I don't know what you're talking about. Maybe you saw a ghost or something." Maybe he'll buy it?

He sighs, heading back towards the door. "Whatever. I don't blame you for admiring beauty when you see it. Just don't be so creepy next time, freak." He says before letting the door close behind him.

He didn't buy it.

This is strange. There's never been anyone that I've looked at like this before. Even in media, I've never caught myself just staring at someone to admire their beauty like I just was.

I'd be stupid to not acknowledge that Hyunjin is beautiful. Everyone in our team is attractive, but Hyunijn draws the eye in a way everyone else doesn't. I don't know if that's just my eyes, or everyone who looks at him though.

Is this what it's like to have ... a crush? Is that what this is? My overall thoughts on Hyunjin are that is face is nice, but his attitude and personality are questionable. Even then, he treated the people at the warehouse nicely. If that was the first time I had met him, I would have thought he was a really nice and generous person.

Obviously I don't think that. But again, these past few days haven't been that bad. Sure we haven't had much interaction, but at least now when we're in the same room now he doesn't throw faces or comments with an underlying message around. No contest, I prefer this Hyunijn over the Hyunjin I met the first days he was here.

Idk that interaction in the kitchen was really funny to me for no reason.

I don't have much to say about this one again, hope yall enjoyed.

Love you guys! ❤️🖤❤️🖤❤️🖤❤️🖤

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