Chapter 12

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The rest of Hyunjin followed into the room once I didn't tell him to leave. He looks tired, nervous, and maybe a little embarrassed.

I stand and step over to him, crossing my arms. "What do you need?"

"I wanted... um.. Can-Could you.. Ahh. Nevermind." He gives up, turning towards the door.

"No no, what is it? You clearly need something to come to me by yourself." I point out.

He faces me again but doesn't say anything. I guess he needs more encouragement.

"Look, we're all part of the same group now. You can feel comfortable talking to me, we're in the same family. And besides, if you don't ask for whatever you need you're not going to get it." I say.

It looks like he takes in that information and agrees. He sighs and looks straight at me. "I wanted to ask you to go over the warehouse lesson again." He says confidently.

I laugh a little. "Really? I thought you got the information about the flags, packages, inventory, and blah blah blah." I imitate his voice from earlier.

His face pinches a little and I can tell he thinks about turning to leave. Before he even has the chance to move, I unfold my arms and turn to sit on the edge of my bed.

"Come on, sit here." I say, patting the space next to me. "I'll go over things a little. You're going to learn it eventually, it's not like you need to remember everything from this lesson right now."

Hyunjin relaxes a little and hesitantly moves to sit next to me. As he sits down, I get up to grab an extra flag I had in my room along with a black and white copy of the warehouse layout. I put both things into Hyunjin's hands, seeing his confusion immediately.

"Now, what do you remember from the lesson earlier?"

"Umm... That.. this is what a flag looks like?" He says in an asking tone.

I sigh and realize he wasn't listening the entire time. I had faith that he might have been listening maybe at least a little.

We fly through the lesson quickly, mostly because I only touch on each part, not in full detail. By the end, Hyunjin looks really tired, as if he could fall over and go to sleep at any moment.

When I sit down from putting everything away, he yawns and looks up to me.

"Is that everything?" His eyes are only half open.

"Pretty much. You'll learn everything in better detail sooner or later, but that's everything we went over earlier with you guys."

Hyunjin stands and stretches, raising his arms up to release any tension in his back.

"I know that wasn't the full story for the warehouse, but why is there so much to it? How did you guys even come up with the idea in the first place?" He says while stretching his legs a little.

I could give him the full story, but not right now, it's late. Besides, we might be part of the same team, but I don't know them enough to want to share that personal information yet. The warehouse backstory ties into our lives before the group, and that's not something I want to just go sharing around.

"You'll learn all about us and the warehouse on the job. Don't worry about it too much for right now, we need to go to bed." I say, trying to push him out of the room so I can sleep.

He looks at me weird and walks towards the door, turning to me before leaving completely.

"Umm.. Thanks for going over everything again. You could have turned me away, but you didn't. Which was really .. nice of you. Thanks." He says, actually sounding genuine.

I was not expecting him to say that. What is going on here?

"Any time. Goodnight." He replies with a mumbled 'night' before quickly walking back to his room. Once he went down stairs, I close my door and flop down into bed.

The last thing I would have expected tonight was for Hyunjin, Mr. Attitude, to come to my room asking for help. I don't know what to think about this. I can't help but think he's trying something suspicious, but maybe he's just trying to put an effort in. Did he come to terms with all of us being in a group?

Whatever's happening, I hope it means we won't have to deal with anymore attitude problems.

As I lay in bed trying to relax and slow my thoughts, one image keeps coming to mind.

No, I have to forget about that. Omg I feel so weird now.

Great, now I have to go to sleep thinking about when Hyunjin stretched his back out, and how my eyes were immediately drawn to how his shirt lifted up more than it probably should have.


Not much to say here, other than what do you guys think about Hyunjin's actions?

Currently, I'm getting ready for finals and I got a promotion at work, so I'm busy and lost a little motivation to write. Don't worry, I'll still make sure to post and finish this book, but I just wanted to say this because if someone remembers, once I finish the book, I post once a day until I run out of chapters. That won't happen for a bit because, you know, life.

Hope you guys enjoyed this one!

Love you guys!🖤❤️🖤❤️🖤❤️🖤❤️🖤

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