Chapter 26

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After Hyunjin shut me out of his room like an angsty teenager, I just went back to relaxing on the couch with my food. Now the bumps and noises coming from the other room aren't as alarming, I know now that it's just Hyunjin being a brat.

Maybe 15 to 20 minutes after I came back to the living room, I very faintly heard Hyunjin's door open, followed by the sound of wheels rolling.

I had the TV playing, but lower in volume since I knew there was another person in the house now. This is important, because I don't think Hyunjin realized where I was.

With my food in my lap and me resting on the couch, I stayed still and quiet as Hyunjin turned the corner from the kitchen, looking around to make sure the coast was clear.

Was he trying to be sneaky or something?

Stating still in my spot, he went back to his room. This time the door closed (as quietly as he could probably manage) and he came back to the front with two more suit cases and a backpack on.

Now I'm confused. What is going on?

Before he could reach the front door, I stood up and faked a cough.

Hyunjin turned towards me with a surprised face. "F- Hey- What are you doing down here?"

So he was trying to be sneaky. Well he wasn't doing a very good job.

"Umm.. I live here? What are you doing?" I shoot back.

He looks at his luggage and back at me. "Nothing that concerns you. Just leave me alone, I don't want to talk to you."

That's rude!

"What are you doing? Why do you have all this luggage out here? Are you going somewhere?" I ask, stepping closer with each question.

He tosses his head back in annoyance then faces me with an emotionless expression. "I told you, leave me alone. This has nothing to do with you, and soon I won't either." He says quickly.

We both pause after that last part, me from surprise and him probably because he slipped that out on accident.

Now the pieces are clicking together. "You're trying to leave, aren't you?"

He doesn't respond, trying to keep his face blank, but I know the answer.

Without a word, I walk towards the front door and stand in front of it. This might not be the best strategy, but it's all I have to work with for right now.

"If you want to leave, you have to go through me."

Posting again to say sorry for missing lol.

Honestly, I didn't mean to post a chapter last night, I was gonna do two posts today, but my hand slipped whoops.

I've made progress on getting out of the writers block, I've done a handful of chapters and am getting closer to the end of this one.

Let's hope I keep this momentum because school is starting for me in a week✊️

Love you guys! 🖤❤️🖤❤️🖤❤️🖤

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