Chapter 15

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Seungmin's POV:
He's insufferable.

As far as I know, we haven't had any problems with the other guys on Minho's team. So why is he such a menace?

I know I probably should have let him walk off without saying anything in the first place. But I was kind of surprised when he did well in the practice. After he didn't pay attention the other day, I figured he wouldn't do well or even care for the training sessions.

I guess tomorrow will answer all my questions. We're due to go to the warehouse like we do every week, but this time is obviously going to be a little different.

Chan explained it as each member of our team is going to have one member of Minho's team shadow us. Basically we're supposed to show them how we do things and let them get a feel of the operations in real time.

I'm trying not to worry too much about it until we leave the house, so for right now I'm just trying to find a place to relax. I guess my room will suffice for now, but I won't be surprised if Jeongin comes in at some point.

After we finished cleaning up the table and putting everything away, everyone disperses in different directions. Chan and Minho go together to work more on the new plans, and everyone else kind of wanders off into the house.

I head to my room, settling in bed quickly with my phone in hand. Maybe because of all the new people, but for some reason, there's been an awkward air in the house for the last while. Because of it it's been harder to just relax and just move around the house in a normal way. Something about having another group of criminals living here with us is just odd, especially when we're together.

Maybe things won't be so awkward when we go to the warehouse tomorrow.


Getting ready in the morning was smooth in the beginning, but things started going downhill when we were trying to finally leave.

Normally we have a set routine that we go through that makes the process of packing to leave fast and easy. But with all the extra people, things got messy.

Since the new guys are technically part of our group now, I guess they felt obligated to help us pack for today, which is nice, but it didn't help in the end. People ended up getting in the way, there were people and boxes bumping and falling, someone was just sitting on the couch almost falling asleep again.

It was only when Chan stopped everything and explained that we appreciate their willingness to help, but we need to talk out how we will pack up to leave before they can just jump in. Minho apologized for him and his guys, which made the air more awkward.

Finally when we got to the van to leave, we faced the problem of who goes in which van. If we all were in the same group then it shouldn't be awkward to mix into different cars, but it is still. We ended up taking our van, and they followed us in theirs.

Everything that happened this morning points to today not going well, which I'm surprised it hasn't gone more terribly wrong already.

Now we're parking at the warehouse and we have to set everything up for today. Just so we don't have the same problems as before, Chan made sure to give everyone their own little job, even if it was as small as carrying a single box in.

Even though we did give them training, we still couldn't show them the whole of everything because we weren't in the warehouse. So today, we made sure to get here a little earlier than we usually do to show them around.

As Jisung, Jeongin, and I start to set up, Chan takes the other guys to show them around the place. I don't catch everything he says, but for the most part he explains what goes where in the back room and what we're expecting them to do for today.

When they come back from the tiny field-trip, Chan calls everyone together. "Ok, guys. This is the new guys' first time in the warehouse so we need to keep that in mind." As Chan says this, Minho and Jisung look at each other and smile a little. What was that about?

"For today, we're going to be paired up with one person from each group so they can shadow us." Chan turns to Minho's team. "You don't have to help the people one-on-one today, but make sure to pay attention to your partner to see how things are done. But don't be afraid to interact with the people, you'll get to know them soon enough."

Chan turns to us. "They're going to be following you around so don't do anything stupid. If something happens that isn't normal, make sure to say it. This is their first impressions, it's important."

Why does it feel like he's a mom scolding her kids?

Chan turns back to face everyone. "So, the pairs are going to be simple. Changbin goes with Jeongin, Minho goes with Seungmin, Hyunijn goes with Jisung, and Felix goes with me. Any questions?"

Jisung shuffles up to Chan and tugs on his shirt while raising his hand.

"Yes, Jisung?"

"Hyung, you promised me I would be paired with Minho last night." Jisung says quietly to Chan. He said it like he's embarrassed, but we all know why he wants to be paired with Minho.

Chan sighs and nods. "Fine, sorry. Minho, you're with Jisung. So then Hyunjin is with Seungmin. Ok, let's get started with everything."

"What?" Hyunjin and I speak at the same time. I don't want to be paired with him, he won't do anything the whole time. He's lazy!

I look over to see Hyunijn looking as surprised as I am, but no one else seems to really care about our reactions.

You know what? No one else cares, and I really shouldn't care either, so I'm gonna be the bigger person and just suck it up.

I compose myself and motion for Hyunjin to follow me to the backroom. He looks from me to Minho, trying to decide which is the better option. I don't know what his mind told him, but he hesitantly trails behind me to the storage space.

I start to gather the stuff we need while he looks around, still annoyed. "I don't see why we have to do this. We don't even have proper training yet." He complains.

I look over to him. "So you want more training from us? I thought you were against that."

"I am. But I don't think we're ready to be here." He looks the other way. "And I don't even want to be here." He says quieter.

I sigh. "Look, I know you're busy having a terrible attitude and stuff, but we have a job to do right now."

He looks over to me, his arms crossed tightly. As soon as he sees the flag in my hand, his face softens. Maybe because he knows what it is, or because he wasn't expecting it, either way he doesn't look as snappy.

I put on the jacket we're supposed to wear and hand him an extra one. "Here, put this on. Sorry, it's a little big, we just keep extra ones in case." He takes the jacket. I also hand him just a few flags for him to hold while we're out.

Once I grab the walkie-talkie, more flags, and my phone I head over to the back of the room, where a metal case is. When I open it, Hyunjin steps back.

"What do you need that for? I thought you guys said this wasn't dangerous!"

"Calm down, it's not loaded." I put the firearm in the holster in my back pocket. "We just carry in case someone tries to challenge us. I have the clip, but I've never had to fire ever before on this job."

Only one time before, a man tried to come into the warehouse to steal some goods. We didn't have any bullets on us, but we had the actual gun. Chan used it to scare him away, and decided for our safety, we should start to carry them with us.

"Come on, the flags aren't gonna put themselves out."

It's concert D-1 lads.

Here's the chapter for today and the fits for today:

My sister is holding my phone, she wanted to be in the picture.

Hope you guys have a great day!

Love you guys!🖤❤🖤❤🖤❤🖤

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