Chapter 4

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Felix and Changbin were the firsts to wake up and come down stairs. Followed by Jeongin, who immediately got himself a cup of chocolate milk.

Chan and Minho are still asleep. I guess they really worked themselves last night. Once Jisung was done with his cup, he decided to go back to his room to lay with Minho till he woke up.

That left me and Jeongin to get to know Felix and Changbin.

Felix is really nice and bright, it seemed like the room got brighter when he started to wake up more. However, his voice caught me off guard. I thought that was just his morning voice, but no, he just sounds like that. It's crazy.

Changbin is a little more stern, but obviously has a soft spot for Felix. When they found out Jeongin was the maknae of the group, they changed their speech to him a little. Felix seems like he's gonna be babying Jeongin more, while Changbin showed a soft side for him, not the same as he does for Felix though.

My guess was right though, they are together. They came into the kitchen holding hands, and stayed touching each other in someway or form the whole time we talked. I didn't think couples kept up this kind of thing all the time, but maybe some do.

From the living room I hear some shuffles and footsteps, remembering the unpleasant person who was sleeping over there.

I have to wonder, what made Hyunjin such a bitter person? He can't be like that to his group, can he?

When Jeongin decides to go back up to his room, I ask a question on my mind. "So, what's that guy Hyunjin's problem? He's been upset and unnecessarily rude since you guys got here." I ask. I didn't mean it to sound mean, but it probably came off as so.

Changbin shakes his head. "He's usually not like that. He used to be really playful and sassy, but in a nicer way." He says.

"Once Minho hyung revealed he was dating Jisung, Hyunjin started to be more irritable. When hyung went to break Jisung out, Hyunjin didn't really talk to us. He stayed in his room or trained all day. Some days I didn't see him at all." Felix finishes and Changbin nods in agreement.

"He didn't like them seeing each other?" I ask.

They both shake their heads.

"Not at all. In fact, when Minho came home and said Chan would try to kill him if he went back, Hyunjin suggested he just cut his losses. We all got after him for that, that was messed up to say. But no, he's never liked them seeing each other, he thinks it's too dangerous for us." Changbin replies.

I understand what he means, but obviously we're doing fine.

Just then, footsteps come from the living room as Hyunjin turns the corner to enter the kitchen. We all stare, hoping he didn't hear our conversation.

He looks at us once he's started his coffee, looking still tired and annoyed.


We all avert our eyes.

"Nothing, Jinnie. Did you sleep well?" Felix looks back.

"I would have slept better if I was in my own bed. That couch sucks, and the blanket was too thick." He complains.

I'm allowed to kick him out of this house right?

"Hey, be nice. They let us stay here overnight. It would have been dangerous to try to drive home in the rain." Changbin stays sternly.

Hyunjin turns to face us. "That would have been safer than staying overnight in a house with a group we've never met. I'm surprised we made it to the morning." He glances at me. "Did you check on Minho hyung? I mean are you sure he's only sleeping?" He says with full seriousness.

We all know exactly what Hyunjin is trying to hint at. And why is he talking like I'm not even in the same room?

Felix looks between me and Hyunjin like he wants to say something to defuse the situation, but he can't think of what. Changbin sends a glare to Hyunjin for the rude comment.

Hyunjin on the other hand, takes a sip of his coffee cup like he did nothing wrong.

I can't stand this guy. I need to talk to Chan.

God damit I did it again. Sorry this is late, I forgot again. I'm just gonna make an alarm to remind me now lol

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, plz stay tuned to the next one

Love you guys ❤️🖤❤️🖤❤️🖤❤️

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