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Dempsey POV

  "Finally," Sawyer heaves out an exhausted sigh as she flops down into the chair across from my desk. "Have I mentioned how thankful I am that you changed the way our staff Christmas party plays out?"

  I give her a tired smile, relieved that she isn't the first one thankful for the change. "What? You don't miss looking like a complete idiot while getting wrapped up in wrapping paper?"

  "Oddly enough, I don't think that was ever my real issue. It was the fact that we had to pay to attend and then if we didn't attend it counted as a half day off from work."

  I certainly agree with her on that. It never made any sense to any of us to pay for our own staff party and still be kept to our contract hours. So, today I decided to give the gift of a rolling coffee bar. It may not be too much, but thanks to my husband's finances it held all of the top of the line coffee, creamers and whatever toppings they could possibly think of. Really though the added bonus was getting to tell each teacher face to face that as soon as the last student was put on the bus they were free to begin their break.

  My cheeks genuinely hurt from how many times each teacher made me smile with their surprised expression and warm hug of thanks.

  "So why aren't you enjoying your freedom already?"

  "I could ask you the same, Principal Evans. Why aren't you already home with those babies and that scrumptious husband of yours?" 

  I wave my hands over the mess that covers my desk. "Because my  holiday doesn't start until some of this gets taken care of."

  "So make a stack and drop it in File 13," she says with a wicked grin.

  A bark of a laugh escapes me. "That might've worked in the classroom, but pretty sure the district would not approve of their principal pulling that stunt. Especially when it deals with contracts for next year."

  Sawyer's eyes grow wide. "Already?"

  "Letters of intent will be in your hand the day you come back for planning."

  "That seems crazy, but I guess it's about that time."

  "Well, sort of. You see, I learned Mrs. Parks was giving them to us late. We were always suppose to have them at least two weeks before making a decision. She was giving us-"

  "Three days," Sawyer gasps. "That b-"

  I hold up my  hand to stop her, pointing over at the swear jar that Ethan gave me. He says it was for when his uncle came to visit, but I hold my best friend to it as well.

  "Bitty," she finally concludes, standing up. "Is there anything I can do to help you get out of here quicker?"

  "Doubtful," I answer. "But thanks for the offer."

  "When are you guys celebrating your anniversary? I'm assuming it's not on the actual Christmas Eve since it's Quinn's first."

  I answer with a shrug of my shoulders. "Lisa offered to come stay at the house and put the kids down for us, but I'm not planning on taking her up on that. I don't mind her staying, but I want to have our little traditions. We can celebrate whenever, the date really isn't that important."  

  While the last of my staff left at one in the afternoon, I'm locking up the building at six. Stuck in rush hour traffic adds another hour when our home is actually only twenty minutes away.  I walk through the door rather wearily with my heels hanging from my fingers.

  "Remind me why I didn't join in on the staff pajama day today?" I call out, leaning my back against the door. My toes scrunch against the small rug just inside the foyer as I wait to hear the quiet patter of Finn's feet. 

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