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Another couple of weeks pass, and Chris continues to drop little breadcrumbs onto his Instagram. While he really wants to continue using Dodger, he's in a whole other country filming and can't make that happen at the moment without the help of Scott. So, he decides to make a different post.

The location they're staying at right now has a piano downstairs in the lobby. Waiting until it's night, and most patrons are asleep he quietly makes his way, stopping to ask the front desk if he can use the instrument for a video. The management quickly agrees, only asking that he some how tags the establishment for publicity reasons of course. He reminds them that might not be best at the moment due to the onslaught of fans and security issues it could bring. The manager commends him for thinking of such a thing, and still allows him the use of the piano.

Chris angles the camera to only show his back, still trying to keep the look of his character under wraps for as long as he can get away with it, even tossing on a baseball cap. He gently begins playing the chords to a song that he heard in passing, memorizing the chords. Playing through the entire first verse before softly singing the chorus.

"I will be here when you feel like being quiet, When you need to speak your mind, I will listen and I will be here when the laughter turns to cryin'. Through the winning, losing and tryin', We'll be together 'cause I will be here."

It's posted to his stories, but also a short snippet under his actual account. "May you always know," read the caption.

With a six hour time difference, he knew that while it was just midnight in Paris, it was early evening back home in Boston. Once back in his room he called Demi for the first time all day.

"Why aren't you sleeping?" his fiancée asks without even so much as a hello.

He chuckles at her before answering, "Hello to you too, sweetheart."

He can't see her, but he knows she's rolling her eyes. "Hello, dear," emphasis on the word dear with sarcasm. "Now, why aren't you sleeping?"

"Just needed to take care of something. Now, why does it sound incredibly noisy wherever you are?"

"Oh," Dempsey sighs, not wanting to give anything away, "I'm at the store with my mom." She knows he won't be speaking to her mother anytime soon, choosing to use her as a scape goat.

Chris is curious because it sounds a bit too noisy for a grocery store. 

Dempsey POV

  I do my best to grab Scott's attention by waving my arm around. He lifts his head, giving me a strange look and opens his mouth to speak. Thankfully my wide eyes and finger over my lip alerts him to realize his brother is on the other side of the line. I motion to my wheel chair, silently asking him to move me towards a quieter spot. 

  "Is that better?" I ask, my heart racing as I silently pray that we'll be able to pull this off.

  "A little," he sighs.

  "You sound exhausted, babe. Rough day of shooting?"

  I hear him yawn loudly, and the rustling of the bed sheets. "Something like that. Worked on filming a big fight scene, body is a bit sore."

  "I'm sorry. If you were here I'd give you a massage and feed you ice cream."

  "What, no peeled grapes while you fan me?" he chuckles.

  "You may look like a Greek god, sir, but I refuse to peel grapes," I remind him. "I do love you, Ethan's Uncle."

  I can hear the smile in his voice, "I needed that."

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