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Chris POV

  I make a quick call to my mother, asking her to meet me at the ice cream shop so that she can take Ethan home.

  "Why? I thought you were coming for dinner tonight," she mentions as Chris watches his nephew scarf down two scoops quickly.

  "I've got to take care of something, Ma. Can you do this for me? We're at the one close to Demi's house." We hang up as she assures me she'll be by in no more than ten minutes.

  All of a sudden Ethan groans out in pain, one hand holding his forehead. "Brain freeze?" I ask, pushing a bottle of water over close to him. He gives a nod before taking a couple of sips. "Miss Abrams said you've been sad today, bud. What's going on? Molly Mae break your heart?" I tease playfully, trying to keep my own seething anger at bay.

  He shakes his head solemnly, not wanting to look at me as he plays with his spoon while Dodger sits under his feet. I tap on the table in front of him, "Hey. Talk to me." His eyes move up to my face and I now see the sadness clouding them. 

  "You don't call her Demi anymore," he answers simply. I'm surprised by the nine year old's insight about something that most would find trivial. "She doesn't come over for dinners at grandma's."

  "Well," I start, sitting back from the table a bit, "you know we were all pretty sick there for a while. No one wanted to infect anyone else."

  He doesn't quite seem convinced. "Her birthday is coming up next week. I told mama we should have a party for her at grandma's house, or we could do it at your house."

  "Grandma's might be a better option," I suggest. I'm positive that she doesn't want me present at any form of a party celebrating her and that might be difficult if it's at my own home. The light jingle of the bell over the shop's door pulls my attention away. "And here's grandma now, you can ask her."  Standing up, I give him a quick hug ready to walk right past my mother and back to my car.

  She reaches out and grasps the arm of my jacket. "What's going on, Chris?"

  "I've got to fix something, Ma. And if I have an idea of how this is going to go, Ethan doesn't need to be there for it." I give her a peck on the cheek and head back to my car.

  Pulling through the gate to the school parking lot I notice only a couple of cars left. I recognize the principal's red hair as she's stepping out of the office door. I pull off right in front of the office, stopping her in her tracks.

  "Mrs. Parks?" I call out through the passenger side window.

  She looks around hesitantly. "Yes, can I help you?"

  "I wondered if I could speak to you for a moment." She leans down a bit, getting a better view of my face. Realization comes across her face as she gives a small nod, motioning for me to follow her back inside.


  She welcomes me into her office. I haven't seen the inside of a principal's office in several years although I was accustomed to knowing the inside of my own in high school. "What can I do for you, Mr. Evans?"

  At any normal time I'd insist that she call me Chris, but this isn't a normal social interaction. This is a woman who has gone back on her word with someone I love. That just doesn't work for me. 

  "I was recently told that something with that fall fundraiser has been changed around. I was just wondering if you could enlighten me about those changes." 

  Mrs. Parks waves me towards the chairs in front of her desk, ones I'm sure Demi has sat in countless times. "No thanks. I'll stand," I respond, digging my heels in.

  "Well, Mr. Evans the teachers were told they'd receive fifty percent of what they brought in for their classroom. But, we as a school have needs as well. The larger sums that a couple of my teachers brought in have not been used, leading me to believe they're not needed, so I'm reallocating them for workshops this summer that all of my teachers can benefit from."

  I listen, or at least act like I'm listening with interest, while my chest is beating in fury. "I don't remember seeing any stipulations when I signed off on my donation."

  My words take her by surprise, leading me to believe she had no idea that I was the one who donated the large sum. "Well, if I had known it was you trying to buy a date with one of my employees I probably would've rejected your donation." Her hands clasp together, resting on the desk in front of her as she stares me down. 

  Sorry, lady. I'm not backing down. "I seem to recall the form I signed, which had a carbon copy attached that is actually sitting in my car glove box right now, said that fifty percent would go to the classroom teacher for whatever needs their students and classroom  may have." Her eyes narrow a bit at me as she purses her lips. "I can go and grab it if you want to double check. Because, ya see, I've got a lawyer on a retainer and I have no problem at all giving him a call to look into this matter. I mean, it seems like maybe they need to take a deeper dive into your spending habits anyway."

  She shakes her head, leaning back in her office chair causing it to squeak under the pressure. "You know, you being who you are really shouldn't have had to bribe someone in order for them to date you. I mean, what does that say about you, Mr. Evans."

  Nice try, lady. But I'm not biting.

  "I look forward to hearing about what Miss Abrams plans on doing with the rest of her three thousand dollars." I move closer towards her door that has remained opened, taking note of the secretary across the way staring at me, her mouth agape. "Oh, and maybe let the school board know you'll need their lawyer on stand-by."  I tap the door frame on my way out, tossing a wink at the secretary before leaving the building.


  I make one quick stop, grabbing up a couple of items that I know are her favorites, before I find myself standing on her stoop. It's been over a week since I dropped her and the pup off after the whirlwind weekend of feeling like a real couple again.

  'In sickness and in health.'

  I hear her call out, "Just a second," as I knock against the wooden door. Hearing Star bark, her large paws bouncing around on the hardwood floor just in front of the door. Familiar sounds that make me ache. 

  Pulling the door open she appears stunned, obviously shocked to see myself on the other side. "Chris." She leans out looking side to side. "What are you doing here?"

  "I uh, well," I scratch at my chin with the back of my thumb, "I wanted to surprise you with those crab cakes you like so much." I pass the bag out in front of me. "I knew you were upset when you left and if memory serves me correctly when you're that upset you tend not to eat."

  She stares at the bag that still rests in my hand, a small smile playing on her lips. "Thanks, but I don't think I've calmed down enough to eat." I hear a ding, the sound coming from her cell that alerts her when she has a new email. "One second." 

  She slips into the living room while I go no further than the doorway, bending at my knees to squat and pet Star. "Hey girl. You taking care of mama? Huh? Bubba misses you ya know. We need to get you and mama back there soon. Think you can help me out with that," I whisper, straightening up as Dempsey comes back into view.

  "Wow, that's really strange." She continues holding on to her phone, her eyes dancing across the screen. "She changed her mind. The money, I mean. She's not going to change the allocation."

  I smile kindly, praying that of all my acting skills I don't give anything away. "That's incredible. I suppose you can eat now." Her stomach growls so loudly in response that Star barks up at the two of us, sending us both into giggles. 

  "Care to join me?" she asks, one corner of her lip between her teeth.

  I give a little nod as Star rubs against my leg, looking up at me with her deep brown eyes. "Yeah, yeah I think I'd like that."


*Well, I'm surprising myself tonight but when it flows...I'll take it and run with it.

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