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*This one is short because my brain has too many scenarios fighting to come out and they just wouldn't work together in one chapter. Sorry.   

Chris POV

  I never made it to Ma's that Friday night. I took the opportunity that Dempsey placed in front of me and spent a couple of hours with her. It felt like the early days, before we started dating. A chance at a friendship that turned into something more. It gave me a hope that I wasn't willing to let slide by cutting it short just to go eat with my family.

  "So, big day coming up next week," I mention as I casually begin washing her dishes when I hear her enter the room from taking Star out. 

  She walks over, grabbing the rag out of my hand before nudging my side with her hip. "Move it, mister. I'm not letting you wash my dishes." I slip off to the side, drying my hands on the green kitchen towel before leaning against the counter. 

  "Whatcha got planned?"

  She stops scrubbing at the plate, picking her head up towards me. "Planned for what?" 

  "Your birthday. Big 3-7. I'm sure Sawyer's got something planned to help you celebrate," I tease, tossing the rag onto the counter. 

  "Nope. I stopped celebrating when I hit the big 3-0 and was still single," she laughs out. I push down my feelings on that statement, as things have been going seemingly well through the evening. "Now that I'm pushing forty, I really want to stop counting. So if anyone should really question me, I'm celebrating year twenty-nine for the eighth time." 

  I chuckle at her math skills as a glass slips from her hand, spraying soapy water out of the sink and onto the counter top. "Fudge nuggets," she mutters under her breath, looking around for the towel.  I've already grabbed it up from the last spot and begin drying the mess. "Thanks." She goes back to washing the dishes, mumbling about slippery hands in old age. 

  Now that the towel is much wetter than before I decide to hang it over the handle of the stove, but halfway there I pause. Winding the rag up tight, I turn on my heel launching it, effectively popping Demi in the butt. She squeals in surprise before bringing a wet hand down to rub the spot through her sweatpants. "God bless America! That hurt!"

  I'm doubled over in laughter at both the reaction and her choice of words. By the time I straighten up I'm falling backwards with a hard chuckle at the dark wet handprint of her own over the light grey pants. "Now I look like I've been groping myself," she giggles as she notices.

  I decide to take my chances and walk over to the sink. I dip my right hand in the warm water, smirking at the little smile she's giving me as she backs up further away. "No," she tells me, putting her hands out in front of her.

  "Well, I mean, I don't want you to have to 'grope' yourself," I tease, stepping closer to her as the water runs down to my elbow. 

  "Christopher," she warns, using her teacher voice on me.

  "Dempsey," I match her with my Steve Rogers voice.

  Two steps closer and she takes off running from me. My legs are longer but her pup decides to try and trip me in protection over her owner. "Star, get outta the way, girl. Your mama wants to be groped," I laugh harder when I hear Dempsey snort through her own laughter.  

  She manages to come to a point back in the kitchen, no other way out except for where I stand. She spins around, facing me when I lunge at her, grabbing her bottom and lift her up against me, her legs instinctively wrapping around my waist. Dempsey giggles into my shoulder, squirming to try and get me to let her down. I give her butt one last squeeze before setting her back on her feet. 

  Dempsey steps back out of my reach, her face flushed. "That was very un Captain America like, Christopher."

  "The man left his best friend for a girl he kissed once. Dude has plenty of morally grey areas in his life if I had to guess," I laugh back with her.

  Her face falls, "Wait. What?"

  Realization hits me. "Damn it. I forgot you  haven't finished the movies."  I hang my head in disappointment as I've just ruined something that is important to her. 

  Not missing a beat she walks over to her pantry, pulling out a box of popcorn. "Movie night it is then."

   I give a small nod, reaching into my pocket for my keys. "Well, I guess I'll leave you to it."

  "Where do you think you're going?" she asks, plugging in the time on the microwave. 

  "To Ma's house."

  She shakes her head no, walking to stand in front of me. "You ruined the movie for me, so you will sit and watch it with me," she pokes me in the chest with her shortened finger nail. 

  A small smile finds its way onto my lips, no doubt stemming right from my heart. "Yes, ma'am."

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