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  "Why won't you just tell me?"

  The women howl in laughter as they watch Sawyer squirm in her seat while the make-up artist paints her face. "Quit scrunching your brow," Lucy taps between her eyes with her forefinger. 

  Having Lucy come back to assist with the wedding day looks made the most sense. She'd been the one to help Dempsey become red carpet ready for the Golden Globes, and was well trusted in the industry of keeping her mouth closed on private matters. 

  Carly props her feet on the coffee table in front of the couch, munching on the small sandwiches that had been left for lunch. "What are we talking about?"

  Dempsey sips on her Coke through the straw as she waits for her turn in the make up chair. "We have a surprise for Sawyer at the wedding, but won't tell her anything about it." She wiggles her right brow at her future sister in law, Carly catching on real quick thanks to previous conversations that the best friend hasn't been privy to. 

  "Just promise me this spray tan isn't gonna go to waste."  

  "What waste? We're Boston girls who are usually pasty white in December. A natural looking glow will never be wasted," Conor chimes in, stealing a potato chip off of Carly's plate. "If anything, let it give you confidence to strut your stuff down the aisle."

  Sawyer giggles before Leigh Ann interrupts them. "Nobody struts. Today is Dempsey and Chris' day. Don't pull attention from them."

  Dempsey  halts the conversation quickly, "No, really, I don't mind. Pull all the attention away from me." 

  Lisa comes up behind her soon to be daughter in law, wrapping her arms around her. "No one could ever pull the attention from you, sweetie. I mean, you're not even ready and already you're glowing."

  Demi gives a small laugh, hiding a blush behind her hand and suddenly thankful for Lucy when she calls her over to the chair.  Sawyer leans in close to her friend, giving her the chance to see the beautiful work Lucy has finished.  "Beautiful!"

  Sawyer curtsies, "Thank you."

  "Alright, Dempsey. What are we doing? Soft and natural, or full glam?" Lucy asks, running her hands through Dempsey's hair.

"Anyway to mix them both?"

Lucy winks at her through the mirror. "I've got you. Let's go soft with the hair, and glam with the make up." She gets a thumbs up from the bride and begins her work. 

 The mothers, along with the sisters, can all be heard placing their bets on how long it'll be before there's an announcement of a tiny Evans making an appearance. 

  "I'm guessing they're gonna have a honeymoon baby. So, birthday in the month of September," Shanna tells the group, Conor going along with that option as well.

  "No, they need at least a little bit of time just the two of them. Maybe this time next year we'll open a present with a sonogram photo in it," Leigh Ann offers. 

  Carly interjects the entire group with her own thoughts. "Let them keep my rugrats for a full weekend and they'll change their mind on a family all together!" 

  Dempsey can't help but suck in a loud breath. "Don't talk about my Ethan like that! I love that kid. Although, he's gonna cause Chris to go broke before our first one comes along."

  "You'd think Chris realizing he's gonna need to cut the foul language out with his own children would be birth control enough." Shana nods her approval of Conor's statement, earning a high five. 

  One thing both Dempsey and Chris have thoroughly enjoyed and been thankful for is the ease of blending the two families together. Lisa has been an extra source of calm for Leigh Ann. She's even offered to spend the day with her as the anniversary of Archer's passing grows closer and the couple will be away on their honeymoon.  

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