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  "I told you casual."

  Of course that's the first thing out of his mouth when I open the door, immediately stepping out onto the porch as to not waste anymore time. I'd accidentally fallen asleep and rushed to make myself look somewhat decent but still chose to throw on the beige midi dress and olive green short sweater.

  "And I told you I'd probably still dress up, at least a little."  He rolls those beautiful blue eyes that are partially hidden under his NASA ball cap, turning to head back down the steps of my tiny porch. 

  "I can't show up to your family's holiday meal in sweats," I whine.

  "Demi, I can guarantee you that at least one, if not two, of my siblings will indeed be in sweats. And," he pauses, "the others will be in leggings. It's Thanksgiving, you need all the extra space if you're gonna really enjoy it."

  "Then why are you in jeans?" I tease, taking his hand that he holds out to help me down the steps. The heel of my ankle booties I'm wearing with my dress aren't that tall to warrant help, but who's gonna turn down the helping hand of one Chris Evans?

  "These may or may not be a size bigger than I'm in right now, thus the belt, which I'm sure will be coming undone midway through my second helping," he smiles, opening the passenger door for me.

  I begin to step in but he stops me, gripping my hand ever so slightly tighter. I look back at him, waiting. "You look beautiful," he says, leaning in to graze my lips with his own. "I should've started with that." 

  A small smile pulls on my lips, nodding in agreeance.  "Not to mention, I am still Ethan's teacher, remember? I feel like I still need to be Miss Abrams and not Dempsey when he's around."

  Chris closes the door before rounding off to his own side. "Give the kid a little more credit, Demi," he says with a smile. "You are all he talks about when we ask him about school. He loves you and that's not gonna change if he sees you out of your 'natural habitat.'' His air quotes send me into a fit of laughter, Chris quickly joining in.

  Fifteen minutes later he's offering me his hand again, this time to step out of the car. I halfway expect him to drop it once I'm out, figuring he'd lead the way to his mom's door. Instead he hesitates, pulling me to his chest to kiss me properly, the one hand not holding onto my own finding the small of my back. "The sweater is at least soft," he mutters when he releases my lips from his own.

  "I'll let you cuddle it later."

  The brow quirk he gives me sends my stomach a flutter. "With you still in it? Deal." He walks off before I can say another word.

"So, have you two decided about going public yet?" Scott asks as he dishes up a second helping of dressing onto Chris' plate since it's out of his own reach across the table.

  I nervously chew my bottom lip, picking up my water glass to hopefully dodge being the one to answer the question. I do catch Chris glancing over to me, probably gauging my reaction. 

  "Not really, I mean it's still early." He places a reassuring hand on my right knee. "We decided we aren't hiding, but we aren't seeking it out either. If it happens, it happens."

  Lisa watches him, a look coming over her face like she wants to speak up. Apparently the fact that she isn't surprises Chris because he then chooses to urge her to speak her peace. "Out with it, Ma."

  "If you weren't filming around town then you'd probably be fine."

  "But," he interrupts her.

  She sets her fork down on her plate carefully. "But, you are. And unless you're both just wanting to hide away with each other, it's going to come out. Will that cause trouble for you at the school, Dempsey?"

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