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    "You did not!" Dempsey squeals at Scott the following day as she opens her phone up. With a couple of quick swipes she sees he has downloaded Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, and even SnapChat to her phone. 

  "No need to just dip your toe into the world of social media, might as well take a full step in," he barks out from his spot on Chris' couch.

  "This isn't a step in. You've pushed me right off the side into the deep end!" Her mouth sits agape, scrolling through her phone. "How did you even decide on a handle? Are they the same for each one?" Dempsey's mind begins swimming at the insanity that now plagues her cell phone. 

  "Calm down, woman! I downloaded them, I didn't set up each one. However, I'm available to work through ideas for your Instagram handle if you're up for it."

  The two had been attempting to kill time while Chris is gone for rehearsals for The Golden Globes. He'd originally been set to present with Dakota Fanning, but at the last minute was changed to presenting with his fellow costar Scarlett Johannson.  It had been a while since they've seen each other and Chris mentioned they may get a bite to eat before heading back. 

  Scott noticed a hint of hesitation on Dempsey's part when Chris mentioned the possibility of dinner out, but assured her that he'd be happy to keep her company. Once Chris left, he took her by the hand and made sure she understood that there was nothing more than a love of a sibling between Chris and Scarlett. 

  "For the record though, I still like CapsGirlPeggy. No one will think anything of it when you like or comment on one of his photos, especially if you have a generic profile photo."

  She contemplates it for another half second, before vetoing it. "Eventually I hope to actually use the app and that may be a little too fangirl for his fan base."

  Scott sits up enough to grab a pen and paper from the side table. "Alright, let's see. You like Captain America, dogs, teaching-"

  "Let's leave the teaching part out of this, if possible," she quietly pleads with him. 

  "What's your middle name?"

  "Elianna," she sighs. "But, I'd also rather not have my name out there either. Not yet, anyways."

  He taps the pen against the notepad for a few seconds, his face contorting into several different variations of contemplation. "What about Eli and Star, or just EliStar?"

  "Okay, sure." She opens up the Instagram app, completing the set up and finding that EliStar was already taken.

  "Add something along with it. EliStarandStripes or EliStar and then like part of your birthday or something." Sitting up further he watches Dempsey, clicking away on her phone. "Which by the way, is when?"

  "March 15," she answers quickly. "Okay, EliStar315 is available. So, I guess we'll go with that then?"

  Scott notices how unsure she is of something as simple as Instagram. Taking a seat next to her he shows her how to set her page to private. "Now, no one can see anything unless you allow them."

  "Okay." He passes her phone back to her and watches her delete Twitter, Facebook and SnapChat. He huffs and pouts. "I already told you. Now, TikTok, I'll watch for the funny videos."

  "Just don't search a hashtag with his name in it or you'll get an eyeful of some insane things," he informs her, his eyes wide and almost scary looking. 

  Dempsey begins giggling at his expression, opening up Instagram to officially "follow" Chris' page. "He really likes fall, huh?"  Scott begins to laugh but stops when he hears the door opening from the garage.

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