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*It's longer...and I could've just kept going but decided I'll break it into two. You don't mind do you? ;)

Dempsey's POV  

"Miss Abrams?" Ethan's voice bellows loudly, attempting to be heard over the excitement of the fall party games. 

  I motion for him to come closer to me so he's not yelling at me from across the room. He makes his way, dodging between a bowling game and bean bag toss. He finally joins me where I'm helping students with their caramel apples. "What's up, Waldo?"

  He giggles behind his big, black round glasses. "Mom was wondering if you were going tonight?" he asks, reaching up to scratch his head under the white and red striped beanie hat. 

  I pull the apple from the crock pot, letting the excess caramel drip off before setting it aside on the wax paper. I instruct the child I'm helping to add whatever other sweets they'd like to it.  "I'm not sure buddy," I tell him, turning to rinse the gooey goodness from my fingers. 

  "She and my aunt and uncles always say they  have a lot of fun. I'll be at grandma's house after we all go trick or treating. Grandma said this morning she's trying to convince my uncles to stay with us. We usually watch some old Disney movies. My uncle Chris is a huge Disney nerd."

  "That sounds like my kind of fun for Halloween," I admit. Curling up on the couch and watching Sleeping Beauty or Beauty and the Beast sounds like a perfect night after the week I've endured. The only problem is I'd be missing my cuddle buddy nuzzling against my neck. 

  "I'm kind of hoping they don't stay after Trick or Treating though," he frowns, the lines evident across his forehead. "They like to require a "Parent Tax" on our candy. I always lose out of jelly beans because of that."

  I can't help but laugh at the sight of this poor kid losing out on his candy because of a sly but funny joke his family plays on him. "Let me know if you don't get your jellybeans. I'll make sure you get some." 

  "Thanks Miss Abrams!" he squeals, bouncing up and down on his toes. Ethan hears his name called from the bean bag toss. He starts to go, stopping for a moment to turn around and acknowledge me once more. "I know you've been sad since losing Romeo. I think a party might be what you need."

  I give him a sweet smile, opening my arms up for the hug he so willingly offers. "Thank you, friend."


  Sawyer busts through my classroom door after dismissal. She waves her cell around in the air, "Picture time!"

  "Ugh," I groan and whimper but give in. We go into the in class restroom and stand in front of the full length mirror. My expression looks more like a grimace when she snaps the photo. "Demi!" she scolds. 

    "Fine." She holds her phone up again as I smile, but just as she counts to three I instead stick my tongue out at her. 

  "One decent photo, that's all I'm asking for, Abrams."  I smile at my success of frustrating her and she snaps the image. "Much better," she smirks, flipping through the photos.  

   I go back to cleaning up the games and candy wrappers that didn't make it into the garbage can. "So, what time are we going tonight?"

  I pause in mid throw over to the garbage can. "Where are WE going tonight? You want to help me pass out candy with my mother?" 

  Her face scrunches up in disgust, "Gosh no. I mean the party Ethan's mom invited you to."

  "Key word there, Sawyer. Me." 

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