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Demi POV

  I have the odd feeling that everyone is keeping something from me. It's been two days since I was brought out of sedation, and yet it still seems I'm being treated with 'kid gloves' by anyone and everyone that walks through the doors of my hospital room. Even now as I sit and visit with Sawyer, something seems off.

  "So the old bitty gave an interview yesterday. Several news stations came up to the school and offered her fifteen minutes of fame," she tells me, her eyes rolling all the way to the ceiling as she props her feet on the end of my bed. "She went on and on about how thankful she was that HER students and their parents were safe. Didn't really mention you until a reporter asked. Even then all she said was the you would be recovering from an injury before returning to work."

  "You sound surprised," I tease, thankful for the aggravation she's showing towards our boss. 

  "Well, I think you'll definitely have your contract back. No way the community won't be in an uproar after you risked your life for those babies."

  I shake my head, shifting my hips a bit to get comfortable. "Nope. Don't want it." Sawyer's eyes grow wide as she scoffs. "Would you want to work for someone who doesn't want you around? I know you well enough to know that the answer is 'no,' Sawyer. You would dread work every day."

  "But you love those kids," she reminds me. I look back at her like she's crazy for even suggesting that I don't. But, my love for them can't outweigh the anguish I'd have with having to work side by side with the woman who doesn't want me around. 

  "I do love them. They are my absolute world, as was the kids each year before them. But, I can't work for that woman again. And, she'd still find a reason to get rid of me, uproar or not. And since I'm pretty sure I'll be out through the end of the year, I'm sure that thousand I still have for my classroom is going to be put towards a summer PD class. So," I give her a wicked smile, "have fun with that."

  "What do you say we plan our next trip? Give ya something to do, ya lazy bum." She nudges my foot with her own. I see it with my own eyes, but still don't feel it. 

  I push my own fears down, focusing on her suggestion. "Where ya thinking this year? I picked last time, so I guess it's your turn."

  "I want a whirlwind romance like you had, so I say New York." I quirk my brow at her, waiting for an explanation. "We'll just walk up and down the streets all week long waiting to run into Sebastian Stan. And I mean actually run into him. He'll catch me before I fall into the pavement and whisk me away from that hell hole of a school to live happily ever after in Romania." 

  "You'd give it all up to be a Trophy Wife?" I giggle. 

  "For that man? I'd give up my own family and plant babies," she announces. "Bless it, that man has a hold on me."

  "Who has a hold on you?" Chris asks, walking around the curtain of my hospital room. Sawyer looks panicked and begins to start babbling, not really making any form of a coherent sentence.

  I decide to step in and help save her. "She's just planning our next trip for this fall."

  "Ah. And where are you two off to this time?" He walks over giving me a kiss to my forehead, placing a container of my favorite coffee flavored ice cream in front of me. "Thought you could use a pick me up."

  "She," I motion over towards Sawyer, "wants to just go to boring old New York."

  "That doesn't seem like that great of a trick. It's not like you couldn't go there for just a random weekend. Why take a full week for New York?"

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