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  The reception was in full swing by the time Chris and Dempsey arrived after their short stop. Both of the couple's eyes holding their own little secret as they're welcomed into the party by the DJ, causing an uproar of hoots and hollers as he plays the Star Spangled Man song from the first Cap movie. Chris merely rolls his eyes at his wide smiling bride, knowing that she was the one to switch it up.

  Chris had his own surprise for Dempsey, along with their families and guests as the reception was held in Disney's Animation Building, a soundstage filled with giant screens along the walls flashing images of all the original, early days of Disney. "How'd you remember?" she asked as they walked in to the room amidst screams of congratulations. 

  "Why wouldn't I?" he winks before leading her to their table.  He knew that with this being the guests first chance to speak to the two of them that Demi would need to get comfortable and not over exert her already exhausted leg. 

  "How did you manage to keep it from me?" Chris asked after their stop off, before making their way to the reception.

  "It's only been like a week and a half. That day you had those meetings with the Pixar execs? Well, Scott took me to my appointment. The therapist was putting the tens units on it to try and stimulate the muscles, and I yelped about ten minutes in. Just out of the blue, all of a sudden, I could feel the pulsing and little shocks. It was surreal. We knew you were busy all day so we went straight to the doctor and he gave me the all clear to start slowly. Scott suggested we tell you right away, but for once I wanted to give you something that I knew could never be topped. And, I guess, behold my success."

  "So just you and Scott?"

  "Well, and the coordinator as of last week. But as of a few hours ago, Carly too. Which judging by your expression, she really did keep it to herself. She came in to help me get dressed and I was standing in the bathroom," she admits. 

  "That would explain why her eyes were so red when you all arrived. I just thought she was emotional over seeing Ethan in his tux," he chuckles. "Well at least I know why she was ignoring me."

  Dempsey takes a chance at asking a question that she genuinely wants to know the answer. "Be honest with me, okay? Are you mad?"

  With a wide eye blink, he asks, "Is this my mad face?"  She giggles while taking in his goofy smile, the joyous light still dancing in his eyes. 

  Just like he knew, she was surrounded as soon as she took her place at the table. "I'll give you some time," he offers, kissing her temple. 

  Leigh Ann and Conor were the first to her side, arms thrown around her immediately, eyes weeping. But not Dempsey. Her tears over the situation were cried out, reserved only for she and Chris.

  "My baby!" her mother whimpers.

  "Ma, be a little easier you're pulling her head back with that grip on her veil. Move," Conor instructs her mom. Gently and carefully she unpins the veil from Dempsey's brunette locks before carefully draping the entire accessory over the back of her chair.  "Love you," she tells her older sister with a kiss to her cheek. 

  And the sentiments continue through each of Chris' immediate family as well. Scott exclaiming to everyone how he knew all along and that everyone should be proud of him for keeping everyone's secrets concerning this wedding. Demi's attention turning to Carly as she thanks her for keeping it to herself.

  "It wasn't easy. Ma kept trying to get me to talk, about anything. I told her if I opened my mouth I was scared I might vomit. Thankfully she turned her attention to Stella."

  When the announcement of the meal came, Chris found his spot next to Dempsey once more, his right hand immediately clutching her left thigh. "You know I could feel it there all along."

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