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  The car slowed to a crawl before stopping completely as we continue to wait for our turn. According to Chris and Megan we were still a good five stops away from climbing out of the car service.

  I adjust the velvet glove on my right hand, incredibly thankful for the material so no one actually knows how sweaty my palms are in this moment. I haphazardly listen as Chris and Megan go over tidbits of information on the carpet itself, once inside and what time he'll need to  head backstage for his presentation with Scarlett.

  Scott reaches over for my left hand, stopping me midadjustment. I turn towards him as he just holds my hand in his and gives a gentle squeeze with a small wink.

  Five minutes pass when Megan tells us it's about that time. She leans up to adjust Chris' tie but he instead turns towards me. With a sweet smile he thanks me as I pat down the bowtie, letting my hands glide over his own velvet suit. He places his forefinger under my chin, lifting my lips up to his where he places the tiniest of pecks making sure he comes away with zero lipstick stain.

  Thankfully, Lucy used something that helped it stay put completely and hadn't even worn off on the bottle of water I'd carefully sipped to help combat the assault of the butterflies on my stomach. 

  The limo stops, making my stomach jolt as I watch Megan move to the door. It opens and she climbs out, along with Scott right behind her.

  "I love you," Chris whispers to me as he slides closer to the door. "It's gonna be great."

  If only his assurance could be measured in something tangible.

  I watch him step out and hear a loud roar from the crowds of fans spaced around on bleachers. He pauses, turning and waving as much as he can before reaching back into the car for my hand. With a small shutter in my breath, I place my hand in his and step out.

  I swear I can hear gasps among the crowds of people, along with many camera shutters going off. But Chris, being the guy he is, gives me the most amazing smile and takes my hand placing it in the crook of his arm as we begin following Megan's directions down the carpet.

  We're first motioned towards an interviewer that's holding a microphone from E! She looks like she's ready to pounce for all the juicy gossip, armed and ready to be the first to break the news of who Chris Evans' date could possibly be tonight.

  "Chris! So good to see you again!" she exclaims, holding out an arm. Chris leans in, accepting of her hug while releasing my arm in the process.

  "You too, you too!" he says kindly before taking a half step back, moving his hand to the small of my back this time.

  "Now, you just had a movie release recently with a huge all star cast, Knives Out."  Chris gives a nod and starts to interact more with the blonde interviewer, answering her questions as she ask them.

  I spot Scott out of the corner of my eye. He gives me a very nonchalant, non obvious, thumbs up. I return his smile and try to keep myself upright as the anxiety swimming in my stomach threatens to make a full blown appearance.

  "So, we know you are famous for bringing family and friends along with you on the red carpet. Who is with you tonight? Family or friend?"

  Chris looks over at me, the look in his eyes changing the reason for the butterflies flight. "Well, this is a family friend, but also my girlfriend, Demi."

  And there it is. Out there for the world in the next handful of minutes.

  "Oh, wow! You heard it here first, E! News fans! Cap is off the market! And look at how much pride you are radiating, Chris. Wow!" She looks directly at me now. "You're a lucky girl, Demi."

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