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Dempsey POV

  My eyes begin to flutter as I'm pulled away from the most wonderful dream I think I've ever had, aside from any that included my father from his passing. But comparing those two would be like comparing apples and oranges.

  A quiet hum vibrates across my lips, causing a heavy wait to only become stronger across my waist, causing me to attempt to snuggle in closer. It's futile really as Chris' warm chest could not possibly be any closer to me than it already is at this moment. 

  I roll over onto my back, suddenly realizing that this isn't just any normal day. "What are you doing in this bed?" I ask, slightly panicked. "You were suppose to be in the guest room? That's where you went to last night after the move finished. What are you doing in here? We had a plan!" I pull the comforter completely off of the bed, pulling it up and over my face.

  The dogs are probably concerned for my well being.

  My antics only make Chris chuckle and tighten his hold on me, which is a little more difficult since the down comforter now separates us. "First off, screw the plan." An involuntary groan escapes my lips. "Second, I was in the guest room."

  "Then why are you in here?" I whine.

  "Because I got cold."

  I pull the comforter down just enough for my eyes to look at his face. They narrow in, realization setting in that his excuse isn't completely honest. "And?"

  He sighs and lifts up on an elbow. "And, I had a nightmare."

  Conceding against my desire of tradition, I push the comforter completely off of me and roll to face him. With one look, head on, I know it wasn't just a fleeting nightmare. "Tell me about it."

  He sniffles a moment and then I notice his eyes are already becoming red rimmed. "It's the same one I've had weekly since the accident. Almost every part of it is the same, except most of the time when you wake up, you kick me out of the room, yelling about how you never want to see me again. But, this time," his breathing shutters, causing him the need to take a deep breath, "this time, you didn't wake up at all. I had lost you completely and it wrecked me. Even in my dream I knew that if you woke up and pushed me away then at least I knew you'd find happiness somewhere. But this, I'd lost that knowledge completely, residing to know that you were gone from me forever." Soft tears had begun to fall, possibly  unnoticed by him at all. "That's why I had to come in."

  A tired smile overtakes me. Seeing him so vulnerable these last couple of days has both broken my heart and mended it all at the same time. 

  "I thought just seeing you in my bed would give me enough peace, but it's like my mind couldn't believe that you were even in here at all. I came to your side of the bed, your hair had fallen across your face. I prayed that as I pushed it away you wouldn't wake up," he laughs quietly, "and of course you didn't.  But it wasn't enough to quiet my mind. So, I slid in behind you and just held you. Apparently that's what my brain needed, a reminder that you really are here."

  "And I'm not going anywhere," I promise him, leaning up to kiss him sweetly. "Any time you need that reminder, you find me. Touch me, hug me, hold me. Whatever you need to know that I'm still here, you do it. Understood?"

  "Do you have any idea how much I love you, Demi?" he smiles crookedly, the familiar glint back in his eyes.

  I swallow down my own tears, just wanting this to be only about him. I pull my hand up from its hold on the comforter, wiggling my finger where my ring sits. "I've got a pretty good idea.  And come this evening, so will everyone else." 

  After enjoying breakfast together on the back patio, never releasing each others hand the entire time, Chris finally heads to the hotel.

  "I'll see you soon," I tell him as he leans in for one  more kiss.  When he pulls back he has the goofiest grin on his face. "What is that for?" 

  "I'm just excited." I quirk a brow, waiting for more of an explanation. "That's our last kiss until you become Mrs. Evans."

  My bottom lip goes right between my teeth as I blush. If I don't play my cards right, he's going to turn me into a big puddle of mush before the women get here. "Oh, somehow I have a tiny inkling that you'll try for another."

  He holds his hand over his heart. "I promise. That's the last one." 

  I bet I can break that promise.

  He steps into the foyer, gathering up his small overnight bag along with the tux. "Hey, Chris?"

  "Yeah, babe?" he calls out but doesn't come back into the room.

  I wheel the chair in his direction. "Do you think you can do something for me, before you go?"

  "Anything you need, I've got you."

  A devilish smile comes over me. "Will you kiss me?"

  All joyous expression leaves his face. He shakes his head side to side, "No."

  My brows shoot up in surprise. "No. No you won't kiss me? But, I asked."  My lower lip sticks out in a pout as I blink owlishly at him. 

  He holds a hand up towards me, essentially covering my face from his own sight. "I told you I wasn't breaking promises, and I promised that would be our last kiss before we're married. Now, stop with the lip because you know what that does to me. Surely you don't want me to break a promise on our wedding day?" 

  "I guess I'll let it slide then."

  He unlocks the door and pulls it open as I get closer to him. "Damn right you'll let it slide. Trying to get me to lie on our wedding day." His mumbling continues as he goes out to his car. I sit there grinning as I listen. "Who does she think she is anyway?"

  "Your bride!" I yell out. 

  "Not yet!" he responds, looking down at his watch. "Six hours to go. Plenty of time for me to change my mind if you keep up with this 'will you kiss me' mess."

  I mock fear, my hand going to my chest as my jaw drops and eyes grow wide. I give it just a moment before I'm mimicking zipping my lips shut and tossing away the key. 

  "Much better," he tells me, putting everything in the backseat of the car. "I love you!"

  I'd like to tell it back to him but seeing as how I've locked my lips I just hold my hands up and shrug, pointing towards my zipped lips, sending him into a howl of laughter as he's sliding into the driver seat. 

  But, I can't let him drive off without it. Lifting both hands into the air, I hold up the ASL sign for 'I love you' and keep it there until he's blowing me a kiss from the gate.


*It's wedding day! But you know I can't put it all in one chapter ;)

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