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  Dempsey expects Chris to set her down and make for his trailer. She expects him to begin animatedly talking, his spirits picking up immediately. 

  Instead, he walks her over to an old couch that's being used as a prop, lowering himself onto it while his hands push against her back, holding her as close as humanly possible to his chest.

  "Chris," she whispers against his lips as he begins peppering her entire face with kisses, "people can see."

  His onslaught stops, pulling his eyes to hers before his brows furrow for only a moment. "I don't care," he says strongly before returning to his earlier action.  When her forehead, cheeks, chin and nose are kissed enough to his standards he turns his affection towards her lips. Releasing his hold on Demi's back he cradles her face in both of his hands and passionately locks their lips together. 

  "Gah, I've missed you," he mutters, his lips continuing to brush against hers as he speaks. "You have no idea how much I've missed you."

  Demi pulls back slightly, as much as the vice grip he has on her face will allow her. "I might have an inkling of an idea," she admits beginning to shuffle a bit on his lap. She sees him start to close his eyes for a moment of enjoyment before she's slapping him against his chest, causing him to howl with that precious laughter. "I'm not moving around to help you out right now, mister. My leg is going to sleep," she giggles.

  "Like I said," he teases, "I've missed you." He pulls her back in for one more kiss before he's calling out to an assistant to bring the wheelchair over. 

  Demi strategically manages to get her right leg down, foot flat on the ground while using Chris' shoulders for support. The assistant follows Chris' direction of where to bring the chair to, locking it in place directly in front of him. 

  "What do you need me to do?" he asks, unsure of how much help she still needs.

  "Just stay like this," she says, pushing up by using his shoulders. She sighs in frustration of course when she sees her left leg still awkwardly, unmoving. Chris doesn't wait for further directions, moving it for her and keeping it still as she slowly lowers herself into the chair. "Bet you haven't missed that."

  Chris leans up to the edge of the couch, gripping both of Demi's thighs in his large hands. "I have missed each and every thing that has to do with you, Dempsey Elianna Abrams, soon to be Evans." His baby blues dance as he announces her future last name.

  While she doesn't miss the sentiment, Demi panics. "Son of a biscuit! I didn't pack away the ring," her eyes dart down to her left hand. She immediately begins to panic and shoves her hand awkwardly under her leg. "You'll have to push the chair until I can get back to my bags."

  With a slow shake of his head he pulls her hand back into his full viewing pleasure, before placing a kiss over the engagement ring. "We're not hiding this, we don't have to. Not around here."

  "Are you sure?" she asks, looking around the room secretively. 

  "Hell, yes. And if you're that concerned over it, everyone here has to sign an NDA. Shocked they haven't put one in front of you yet." And as if he heard the questioning, Michael steps up with a pen and paper in hand. "Right on time, my friend."  Dempsey signs off immediately, uncaring of what she may or may not have just signed away. "Now," Chris continues to hold her hand gently in his, "don't hide this away again. Understood?"

  The smile on her face grows as she reaches up, lightly touching the growth above his upper lip. "Yes, sir."

Dempsey POV

  Immediately following dinner, with the help of Chris, I fell right into the warmth and comfort of the cozy hotel bed. Miraculously I slept through the entire night only to wake up when Chris began sweetly brushing my hair off of my face. 

  "I must be dreaming," I moan, keeping my eyes closed.

  "Why do you say that, beautiful?" The man's morning voice makes my stomach flip.

  With a quiet sigh I roll over onto my back, feeling the bed dip a little deeper. "Because my boyfriend back home knows there's only one way to wake me up."

  I don't have to open my eyes to see the smirk on his precious face, I hear it in his voice when he speaks. "Boyfriend, huh? Hate to hear you've downgraded since I left."

  "Can't help it. He just kind of fell in my lap and my fiance left me to gallivant around the world."

  "Well," his mustache tickles my shoulder as he places a tiny kiss, "would you like to gallivant with your fiance around Disneyland Paris today?"

  My eyes jerk open as I push myself up onto my elbow, almost hitting Chris square in the jaw with my head. "Seriously?"

  "I mean, I'm not sure how your boyfriend would feel about it, though. Might better check with him."

  I lean over to my left towards the night stand, silently cursing my dead leg as I almost fall. Snatching up my phone I open the messages and begin typing.

  "Okay, now I'm starting to get concerned." I shoot a quick glance up at his face, seeing his brow knitted together and one brow arched. I roll my eyes and go back to the screen as a reply comes in.

  "Scott said that's fine."

  I laugh loudly at the sigh of relief that escapes his chest. "So how does my gay brother, your 'boyfriend,' wake you up in the mornings?"

  Using the strength of my hands I push myself up completely, scooting back against the headboard. It's only now that I realize Chris is already showered and dressed for the day. I pick up a pillow from beside me and place it in my lap. With a single tap, Chris is already situating himself to find the comfort of my lap. "Well, for starters he quietly knocks on the bedroom door and waits for me to speak."

  "Which you don't," he finishes for me, his eyes crinkling from his smile.

  "Course not, I'm sleeping. Then, he makes a pot of coffee hoping for the aroma to magically wake me up."

  Chris chuckles, shaking his head. "Which doesn't."

  I agree with him, my hand beginning to card through his hair that has just the tiniest product through it, already revealing to me he'll be wearing a hat for the day. "Then he quietly comes and opens your bedroom door-"

  "Demi, stop calling it mine. Pretty sure you've been living there long enough now to refer to it as ours."

  I stick my tongue out at him which earns me a brow wiggle and a finger pointing at me, warning me I'm sure. "Fine. He quietly comes and opens our bedroom door before yelling loudly for Dodger and Star to pounce on me."

  Chris crinkles his nose and closes his eyes with a nod. "That'll do it."

  "But, I much prefer the way my fiance wakes me up.  He makes me look forward to how my husband might wake me up." I stifle a giggle as Chris visibly shivers at my words.  

 But my next words stun him. "Which makes me want to speed this whole thing up." 


*Again, apologies for the almost three week break from this story.

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