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 *I actually watched videos to learn some Boston slang, don't come at me.

 Dempsey POV

  Without knocking I walk right into my mother's apartment, setting down the food I brought over for lunch on the kitchen table. "Ma?" I call out, not seeing her in the living room or the kitchen.

  "Demi?" she answers.

  "No, it's a robber. But don't worry, I brought you food to make up for the television and laptop I'm gonna steal." 

  "Don't be a smart butt," she warns me as she comes out of her bedroom, computer in hand. 

  I grab a couple plates and silverware before we sit down at the table. "What are you doing?" I notice she's sitting at the table with the computer still open. "You working on something?"

  "No, just trying to catch up on the happenings around town. You know they're closing  down that road just down for your apartment later next week. Something about a movie shooting in the area."

  I give a nod, paying no attention to what else she's clicking through as I dish out her beef and broccoli with rice before moving onto my own orange chicken and rice. "Water?"

  "That's fine," she waves me off, still scrolling through things on the news site. 

  I grab two bottles from the counter before joining her again. "So what were you up to last night?" she asks, finally looking over at me. 

  "Hung out with some friends," I admit. I haven't quite decided whether or not I want to tell her that I'm dating someone new, trying to keep the meddling mother at bay for as long as possible. 

  She takes a bite of her food, eyeing me strangely. "Did you do anything fun?"

  "Why are you acting more weird than normal?" It's not unusual for her to question me, but normally my short answers are enough to suffice her inquiries.

  "Just making conversation," she sets her glasses on top of her hair that has just recently started to grey. "New friends? Old friends?"

  Okay, seriously. What is going on?

  "I hung out with Sawyer and a couple new friends," I finally give in, answering the question without actually giving away too many details.

  I watch her slide the laptop around so the screen is facing me. There in all of its internet glory is a photo of Chris from the game last night, announcing "Captain America: Bruins Fan" in big bold letters. And just in the corner of the image is part of my body.

  "How'd you know?" I tentatively ask.

  "I don't know many who wear yellow Converse sneakers to every game other than my daughter. And Sawyer is just behind Cap too." She pauses, long enough to take another bite of her lunch. "So, now I'm gonna ask again. What did you do last night, Demi?"

  "I went to a hockey game with some friends, most of which are new friends." 

  "Dempsey, I'm ya mama. I know when you're keeping things from me, so spill it," she warns me. 

  I take a deep breath, releasing it back out of my nose. "I just started seeing someone."

  She stares blankly at me, blinking her eyes every so often, silently telling me she's not letting off that easy. 

  "He's a family member of one of my students."

  "Are you dating a single father? That's dangerous for your job, sweetie." I hold back a giggle because she looks both intrigued and scared by what my answer is going to be.

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