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Insanity: extreme foolishness or irrationality.

Absurd: wildly unreasonable, illogical, or inappropriate.

And in Carly's eyes, her brother, at this moment, exemplifies both. 

"What are you even doing here, Chris?" 

 The auction has come to a close, many people having already left the parking lot while a few mill around making plans to continue enjoying their childfree evening. 

Chris had ducked into the event almost as quickly as he snuck out, having stayed just long enough to place his bid and pay it off. He's not exactly sure what he would've done if he'd actually missed Dempsey's auction.

She finds him leaning up against his car, his hands deep in his pockets. "Ma ran out of milk so she sent me to get some." 

  "There's a grocery store half a mile from her house. Why did you travel fifteen minutes to this side of town?" She takes a stance across from him, arms against her chest, brow raised. 

  Chris attempts to withhold the smile he so desperately wants to release, especially when he sees Dempsey leaving the building through the double glass doors. 

  "She's drinking this new kind. Only store around here that sells it is around the corner from, what would you know, this school," he assures his sister, while biting the inside of his mouth trying to hold in a smirk. 

  Carly leans over, peering into his car she finds it completely empty, void of any grocery bags. "Where's the milk then?"

  He looks down at his feet as they shuffle a bit underneath him. "I uh, I was driving by and saw everyone coming out." He finally lets his smile come through. "Thought I'd take you for ice cream."

  "I'm lactose intolerant you idiot," she shoves his shoulder. He chuckles behind his hand that hides his smile.

  She doesn't buy his explanation whatsoever, having known him his whole life. She knows he has a bleeding heart for many things, one being his family. But, one look over her shoulder she notices a new person that he may have unknowingly let become a member of the 'bleeding heart group.' 

  It's only confirmed stronger when he turns away from Carly, hiding himself from the lovely woman he just dropped ten grand for. "Do you really think dropping that kind of cash is going to get you a date?" She moves herself around to his side, now leaning against the car while he rests his forearms on the roof. "Not to mention, pretty sure you don't have to buy a date."

  "This may blow your mind, sis, but I didn't do it for a date."

"Then why did you do it? If you're not hoping that this opens the door wide open for you to eventually break her heart, why'd you do it?" Her tone and face both serious. "She's an incredible teacher, the best Ethan has ever had. I don't want you going and screwing with her." 

  "Damn, Carly!" his tone becoming frustrated. His fist meets the roof of the car as he's beginning to get angry with his sister.  "Calm down would ya. She's not even going to know it was me, alright. I made sure of it."

  Carly digs through her purse in search of her keys. "Some how, some way, she's going to end up finding out that it was you. And you won't have to worry about whether or not she recognizes you anymore. I guarantee though that she'll see it as you wanting a big thank you for your grand gesture."

  "I was just doing something nice for someone who deserves it, alright? Nothing more, nothing less. If you had been up there I'd have dropped the same amount."

  She shakes her head, a small smile starting to build. "No you wouldn't have."

  "Guess we'll never know," he places a kiss on her cheek before moving to the driver side, sliding in. 


Dempsey's POV

  "Ten grand. Ten grand," I keep repeating the words over and over again, still in complete shock when I meet my mother for breakfast the following day.

  "So, that means you get half of that for your classroom? Five thousand dollars. What are you going to do with it?" she asks while buttering her toast. 

  Silently I shake my head because let's face it, I'm still too stunned to think that this is even real. No one would even tell me who donated it. Gave me zero information outside of the fact that there is no tutoring needed. 

  I kind of feel like I'm just being given a hand out without doing any of the work to receive it. It just doesn't feel right.

  "I know you mentioned wanting to offer alternative seating. Would that be enough for something like that?"

  I huff out a laugh at the question. "It would cover that, new tables, new rugs, a new library for my classroom. Ma, this money could spread further than just this school year."

  "You think Mrs. Parks will actually stick to the whole 50/50 deal? That's a lot of money she could put to other areas in the school." My teeth instinctively dig into my lower lip, realizing she very well could have just made a point. "It's such a large sum. I can't really see her letting any teacher, not just you, have free reign. She may encourage you to put it towards something very specific that meets her needs more than yours."

  I lift my coffee cup to my lips with a shrug of my shoulders. I can be a very strong person, even tempered, although on occasion the Boston will come out. But, when it comes to my career aspect I tend to tread a little lighter, more cautiously. "I hope I won't have to fight her on anything."

  "Just remember what your dad use to say." She pauses, waiting for me to say his words of wisdom. 

  "If you want to know someone's mind, listen to their words. If you want to know their heart, watch their actions," I spout out the rhetoric that has been ingrained in my being since I was a young teenager.


  Monday morning dawns and I decide to pay a visit to Mrs. Parks as soon as my planning period begins. Her door is open but I decide to be respectful and still knock, waiting for her to bid me to come in. 

  "Hey, Demi! Come on in!" her voice sounds extra sickeningly sweet, which is off putting to say the least. "Did you have a good weekend? After that bid, I bet you did!"

  "It was a lot like any other, to be honest," I smile. She offers me a chair, but I wave my hand letting her know I won't be keeping her too long. "We have our field trip to the aquarium next week."

  "The overnight at the aquarium? Yes, I remember." She takes her seat, leaning up onto her desk.

  "I would like to use part of the classroom earnings to pay for all of my students to go. I know I have a handful that won't be able to afford it on their own."

  She eyes me, thoughtfully, her fingers tapping against the mahogany wood of her large desk. "What about the kids who have already paid? Why not just use theirs?"

  "I'd like to give the parents the option of putting that towards being a chaperone. And if they don't then I'd rather just refund them." She still doesn't seem convinced. "I know that'll take about six hundred dollars away from the five grand, but I really want to do this for them. I think it'll be an experience they'll remember forever."

  "You have a good heart, Demi. I wish more teachers were like you. Let me just double check with Sandra that she hasn't cut any checks for it yet." Picking up the phone she dials the woman that is literally just across the hall from us.

  I bid her farewell once I've been given the go ahead with my plan.  Sitting down at my computer I draft a quick email to all of the parents letting them know the cost is covered, and then a second email to those who had already paid.

  By the time I get back from picking the kids up at music class I already have a few responses, including Carly who says she would love to chaperone. 

*Sorry, it's shorter but I'm sick. If it sucks, I'm sorry.

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