Chapter 206 Police Officer's Suspect

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Chapter 206 Police Officer’s Suspect

It was impossible for Qiu to do such a thing. His eyes flickered on the underwear and then took it back.

The cold water didn't make the body calmer, maybe it felt a little tricky.

Lin Zhi had a strange attraction to him. Of course, this only started yesterday.

Qiu was trying to figure out what was wrong with Lin Zhi, but now he was not only confused, but even more confused.

He did not think in the direction of strange power and chaos. In the hearts of materialistic warriors, that was a path that would never be imagined.

The water droplets fell along the outline of Qiu You's eyebrows and eyes, and his deep facial features were like sharp blades soaked in snow water, revealing their edge.

After walking out of the bathroom, Qiu You saw broken glass scattered on the small balcony.

His steps paused, and an inexplicable thought flashed through his mind.

These fragments may not be swept away by the owner of the house. They will always exist here, as if growing here, becoming part of the house, gathering dust and forming a network over a long period of time.


Golden light scattered over the city, bringing a little scorching heat.

It was nearly eleven o'clock when Lin Zhi opened his eyes. He didn't need to ask 01 to know that Qiu had already left.

Lin Zhi opened the blackout curtains, bringing some life into the somewhat cold room.

After washing up in the bathroom of the master bedroom, Lin Zhi walked out of the room.

The pot of lucky bamboo that had been moved in the corner of the living room last night had already returned to its original position. The light spots on the surface flickered to the point of dazzling the eyes. Lin Zhi covered his eyes and discovered the source of the light spots.

The glass on the balcony had been cleaned. Lin Zhi knelt down, picked up the small fish that had slipped through the net, and threw it into the trash can.

There may still be fragments in the corners that have not been swept away, but under the excessive sunshine, they will all be cleaned up sooner or later.

"Our police officers are really kind-hearted people."

Lin Zhi stretched and murmured jokingly.

If the criminal police officers in Runing City heard this description applied to Qiu You, they would probably be shocked, especially the police officers from the Second Detachment of the Criminal Investigation Brigade.

Wei Yunjun yawned and looked at the steel-like captain with admiration. There was a falling case in the morning and the captain rushed to the scene to deal with the crime. When he came back, he continued to grab her and continue to watch the part that she was almost bored with. monitor.

The boss had been watching for almost an hour without moving. She followed her and her eyes were dazzled. She didn't even see when the murderer went in and when he came out. It was really weird.

The location of that area is quite tricky. The first exit is a residential civilian camera. The pixels are not very clear and can only capture a certain distance. It is not directly facing the entrance of the alley.

Exit 2 is the convenience store area. The camera in front of the convenience store can cover the alley, and people coming and going will be included in it.

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