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"Argh, I'm so sleepy."
"Shut up before he sees you like this. Oh My God Felix open your eyes!"

It was 5 minutes to break. Jisung kept checking Seungmin's watch while Felix tried to sleep. He, for some unknown reason, appeared tired.

"Lemme sleep!" Felix said, rubbing his eyes.
"If he sees you he'll surely put you to sleep forever! Felix, Mr. Kim is looking this way!" Seungmin urged him.

Yunho lightly flicked Felix on the back of his head. "Felix, you'll get scolded by a bitch. That would be so insulting. Please stay awake right now, just five more minutes."

And on the other side, Hyunjin was leaning on Changbin while Minho repeatedly showered him with water lightly. He couldn't get to sleep, because who can in the vicinity of the tyrant Minho?

"I wonder what is up with the two of them," Soobin whispered. Yeonjun giggled, "Better not ask, Bin."

Felix opened his eyes, looking insulted.
"Excuse me, it's not what you think it is!" Jisung gave Yeonjun a thumbs up and gestured him to keep going. Yeonjun continued to provoke Felix like this and seeing Yeonjun, Wooyoung tried to do the same to Hyunjin. It worked to some extent.

In normal circumstances, they'd be out of the class already for sure. But for some reason, Mr. Kim didn't seem as attentive today? This was slightly weird. Jisung looked around to see if someone else had noticed the same and made eye contact with San. He had the same look in his eyes. They communicated without words, and Jisung found that San felt the same.

A few seconds later the bell rang. "Finally," Felix yawned. Hyunjin made his way towards him. "I hate you guys, especially you, Minho, I hope you end up in the deepest pit of hell. And you too Wooyoung. Don't think I'll ever forgive you for this," He said. "Move aside, I wanna sleep."

He sat beside Felix and they both went to sleep, after asking Soobin to wake them up for Chemistry. A while later they were asleep.

"Do you have a spare blanket?" Changbin asked Yeonjun and he extracted one from his bag. They put the blanket over the couple and resumed their talk, hearing Hyunjin mumble a sleepy 'thanks'.

"Guys, why was Mr. Kim softer today?" Jisung asked and San nodded.
"Come on, we can't all be evil everyday. Probably he was sleep deprived too. Any new tea?" Mingi said.

"Nothing much, except that the pick me girl from the younger grade got detention," Wooyoung said. "I overheard as I was passing the class. Hopefully no teacher saw me punching the air."

"Yeah, but did you hear about the party?" Soobin asked.
"Which party babe?" Yeonjun sat down next to him. Soobin frowned at him, "You don't know? I must have mentioned it at least 3 times in front of you."

"When did you mention it? You know I don't listen to anyone while I'm trying to sleep," Yeonjun defended himself. Soobin sighed, "Yeah, that's why. Anyway, the school is hosting a huge ass party. I heard the mayor of Seoul is attending. CEOs, models, politicians.. they're all attending. Basically for a concert-type thing. The singer Jackson Wang is hosting ("I KNEW IT!" Mingi said. "The dude's always throwing parties!") And Kim Namjoon is attending."

"THE Kim Namjoon? As in RM?"
"Yes, the Kim Namjoon. He's coming since Jackson is one of his besties-"

"Oh my God I need to revive my skincare routine I gotta look the best if I died without an autograph I'll never forgive myself," Wooyoung rapped quickly in one breath.

"Your skin is perfect already-" San began feebly but Wooyoung snapped, "No! I need to look the best for him. I need to!"
Yunho laughed at the simp. (Honestly Wooyoung is better than me. If Namjoon dropped in my school party I might just jump from somewhere in panic).

"Hey guys! Why y'all closed the doors? What's so private that you're discussing?" Park Jongseong a.k.a Jay entered the class, followed by Heeseung, Jake and Jungwon.

"Did nobody tell you manners? Don't you know how to knock before entering a  senior class?" Wooyoung asked. Jay mimicked him in whiny voice.

"How come y'all boyfriends are here and where's Jeongin?" Seungmin asked. Jay shrugged and replied, "Jeongin's with Beomgyu and Taehyun. We wanted to drop by to say hello."

"Hi guys!" Heeseung said. Jake excitedly hopped in. "Guys, guess what-"
Heeseung cut him off by placing his hand on his mouth. Jisung removed his hand and let Jake speak. Heeseung tried to close his mouth again but Changbin held him back.

"Guys it's Heeseungie's birthday!" Jake looked very excited. He looked like a precious puppy. Everyone oohed and Heeseung hid his face in his hands.

They all sang a chorus of happy birthday to Heeseung, who blushed crimson.
"Guys it's not a special day-"

"Bullshit! Let's treat you to a dinner!" Yeonjun exclaimed. "I'm in! Who else?"
"Me!" San said. Wooyoung, Mingi, Yunho, Seungmin, Jake, Soobin, Jisung and Changbin agreed.

"Wish we could join you," Jungwon said.
"Why can't you?" Yunho asked him.
"We have our anniversary today, me and Jay," Jungwon smiled adorably. Jay looked at him fondly.

"Oh my God, congratulations! How many years has it been?" Soobin asked.
"It's our first anniversary," Jay said and tucked a lock of hair behind Jungwon's ear. Seeing them close made Jisung feel a bit weird. Like how he also wanted to be spoiled like this. He shook these thoughts out of his head. Why was he feeling this?

"They had to start dating on my birthday," Heeseung grimaced. Jake laughed and hugged him. Heeseung smiled because of Jake's hug. "But they're cute, so I'll let it pass." He said.

Jisung looked around. Wooyoung was ranting about the diets he had to follow and all the shopping he had to do while San continuously tried to convince him he'd look beautiful even if he showed up in old raggy clothes. Yunho was applying his lip balm on Mingi's lips. Yeonjun slipped his hands on Soobin's pockets since he was cold. Hyunjin and Felix were sleeping on each other. Changbin had already left to see Gyuha.

He looked at Seungmin, Minho and himself. The single gang. At least he wasn't the only single person.

"Will y'all stop acting lovey dovey?" Seungmin said irritably.
"Why? Are you single?" Mingi asked.
"Then mingle."

"You're saying that as if it's the easiest thing in the world." Minho said.
"It is, if you keep your eyes open and use your brain properly," Jay said.
"I don't remember asking for your advice."
"Oh, you'll be needing it, don't worry. Be grateful instead," Jay smirked and went away, holding Jungwon's hand.

"Bye guys," Heeseung kissed Jake's brow lightly which had the younger blush like crazy. (BABY ARE U GONNA PLEASE ME? LATELY I THINK IM CRAZY)

"Come on, I need to get out of this romance clownery," Seungmin said and Jisung immediately exited the class room with him.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you, today we'll be taking Sunoo from Chan's," Seungmin said as they treaded on the wet grass.
"And you're telling me this now?" Jisung asked him incredulously. Seungmin smiled guiltily. "Yeah, I kinda forgot."

"Good thing. The poor boy needs some happiness and time away from that father of his. I can't believe a father couldn't protect his own son from an attacker!" Jisung said.
"I know, right? Maybe uncle's just careless. Aunt died in an accident, you see, and I'm starting to suspect it was Uncle's carelessness too."
Any theories?

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