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jisung was working on his computer, having finished his schoolwork. being friends with seungmin had its own perks. he was catching up on his work better than before. his phone gave a small bling. he looked at it and there was felix from their groupchat.

hey gays
i'm bored
let's facetime
okie i'm free

*dandehdoggo 👺*
r u fr? at a standard 10 pm?
i'm working rn

hyung tf you said you were working 5 hrs ago when i texted

naur don't tell me
anygays what y'all upto

*dandehdoggo 👺*
told y'all imma workin.. stfu and don't message me

i'm eating.. i'm hyungry


it's just a typo chill 🧍

type your words correctly or i'll whoop yo ass 🤠
                                            imma producing music btw

*dandehdoggo 👺*
will y'all stfu im trynna work

                                       yeah i produce music.. wanna hear my latest release?



*dandehdoggo 👺*

jisung chuckled. his heart was beating fast. he had never gotten review on his music except a very few strangers over the internet.. he attached an audio file and sent it.
after a while, the messages started popping up.



*dandehdoggo 👺*

jisung couldn't stop smiling at his phone. this was happiness. but not a normal happiness. it was something like a warm glow, which didn't fade even when his father yelled at him for staying up late again.
"ugh, you forgot to tell them that i don't want tomatoes in my sandwich? again?", seungmin asked, annoyed by the tomato pieces and pulling them out.

"oh, sorry", felix said inattentively, shifting his gaze.
"sorry what? you know how much i hate tomatoes," seungmin said.
felix did not seem to be listening. jisung waved in front of his face. "earth to yongbok? are you there?"
felix started and looked at jisung dumbly. "sorry jisung."
"eh?", jisung asked, confused. seungmin blurted out, "it's me you're apologizing to. you should apologize to me."
"why?" felix asked. seungmin stared.
the rest of the meal was continued in silence.
he walked across the hall to get to the library, where he was supposed to be studying with felix, seungmin and jeongin. the exams for first terms were looming closer. it's been weeks since they came into his life, and everything has been better since. he was already starting to think less about his past, his father's attitude hurt him slightly lesser because he knew if anything really bad happened, his three best friends would not leave his side.

and his bullies haven't bothered him in weeks.

jisung found their absence slightly unnerving. all six of them hadn't showed up for weeks and jisung didn't think it was normal for students to be absent for this long. there had to be a reason. when someone yelled-

"alright there, fatty?"

jisung stopped in his tracks. he recognized that voice, he even heard it sometimes in his nightmares.

"so i heard that someone's gotten some _friends_", sunoo snickered from behind.
"but you know what, han? you'll always be a dirty piece of slime. once they learn about your past, they're bound to leave you faster than how your-"

"why don't you just leave me alone? what have i even done to you?" jisung exclaimed quickly. he didn't want to be reminded of his past. not now. not today, when his life was actually started to feel like life and not hell.

"have some guts, haven't you? well we always know what to do in this situation. it's been quite some time since our last little session, so now we need to renew your lessons for you," yuta growled.

doyoung positioned his fist. jisung closed his eyes, preparing himself for the punch.
but the punch never came.
jisung opened his eyes. behind him, holding doyoung's arm, was none other than kim seungmin. and he looked livid. (start the slaymin chain in the comments now)

sunoo shrieked in anger and lunged towards seungmin, but was tackled to the ground by felix. felix was extremely good in taekwondo, so there was no questioning his reflexes. he immediately trapped sunoo.

"you were taking too long so me and felix decided to check." seungmin explained briefly.

"so you're the dicks that jisung chose for friends," keeho sneered.
"and you're the dicks that made his life hell, are you?" seungmin's voice was deadly calm, but everyone could hear the anger lying underneath.
keeho sneered again. "you have quite some balls, haven't you? but i tell you this. you're only worth talking to because of your grades."

"at least my grades are good... you don't even have a reason to be worth talking to. if the rest of your cockroaches were to leave you right now, you wouldn't even have half the balls to bully innocent people." seungmin said calmly.

"you should be more careful, _kim seungmin_," keeho briefly looked at sunoo. "you don't want everyone knowing _some things_ either."

seungmin tensed for a split second, but it was so brief that jisung thought he was just imagining. seungmin said,"i don't have time for any of your made-up bullshit. if i ever see you near jisung or any of my friends again, then boy are you going to regret it." seungmin calmly said.

doyoung suddenly lunged after seungmin, but felix kicked him straight on the stomach. yuta and ten came forward to challenge him as well, but felix managed to duck in time. he pushed yuta's leg, making him trip and cut his lips, while also managing to kick ten in the shins.

the rest of the group backed off. keeho shouted "don't think this is over!"
"what are you doing, hyung?" sunoo complained.
"oh not now, sunshine. patience is the key. war isn't over yet. just wait." keeho reassured him with a smile. with that, they all retreated and left the hall.

"oh my god, ji, are you okay?" felix fretted over jisung.
"i'm totally fine. and i can't believe you guys, of everyone in this world, did that." jisung said.
"oh don't thank us." felix struck a pose."well at least you aren't hurt."

jisung looked down. he could feel seungmin and felix staring intently at him.
and as though unspoken words passed through them, seungmin rolled his sleeves back down and felix embraced jisung in a hug.
"i'm so sorry, ji... it must have been so difficult. i hope that we can make you feel better." felix whispered.

"this isn't time for hugs and kisses, jeongin is waiting for us in the library." seungmin said impatiently.
"damn seungmin you just have to ruin a good moment. " felix looked offended.
"maybe if you'd stop playing hero and being so cliché it'd be better." seungmin smiled.
jisung laughed. felix stuck out his tongue at seungmin. seungmin made his way to the library looking ahead.

jisung and felix looked at each other. something wasn't right. it wasn't like seungmin to be so detached.
"are you sure he's okay?" felix asked jisung tensely.
"if he wants us to believe that he is then we'll let him." jisung replied.

"my god, what ever the hell took you THIS long? did you go to check on jisung hyung or did you go on a field trip? " jeongin asked crossly.
"much like a field trip though," seungmin said darkly.
"why? is everything alright?" jeongin looked confused.

after felix explained everything, jeongin said,"who knew what a sunshine guy could go through. you're the bravest, sungie hyung."
jisung nodded. he didn't really know much to say.
he was just thankful that he had the best friends ever.
Okay so I know that this chapter was kinda boring but drama and suspense are coming!! Just wait for chapter 8 ^^

like a volcano | minsung (and a hell lot of other ships) ✓Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu