23. Little Dragons & Lies

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"It's weird not having Rhaenyra here." Davina remarked. "I mean she was being a moody little dragon but," She shrugged. "Still weird not seeing her moping around."

"Instead we get to hear the wails of Alicent's latest little dragon." Gwayne agreed.

"Is it weird that your little sister is married to an old man?" Davina questioned.

"I heard that." Viserys called back.

"You can still hear me?" Davina teased. "You havent gone deaf in your old age?"

"Love you too." Viserys agreed.

"Weird calling your little sister queen- I would say viserys you are going to have call me queen but no. I dont get to hold that over you because you know.'' Davina realized.

"Dont start planning my murder, Dav." viserys begged.

"Never, you are my favorite brother." Davina assured. She turned her attention back to gwayne. "Well? Weird?"

"A bit at first." He admitted "But she is still my baby sister, the youngest of us and married before me..." he wanted Davina to bring up marriage but she seemed happy with their relationship as it was.

"At the rate viserys is going he is going to get rhaenyra married off before he forces me to marry again." Davina laughed out.

"You really dont like marriage." Gwayne realized.

"Its not for me." Davina agreed.

"Like never?"



"Dav! There you are!" Tommen declared. "Did you meet the new princess?"

"Sure did."

"Really?" Gwayne countered.

"No. I dont deal with children while they are screaming or shitting. She has been doing both since alicent forced her from between her twig thin legs." Davina declared.

"Good point." tommen agreed.

"Another thing I dont want. Children." Davina informed tommen and Gwayne.

"As heir I dont think your brother is going to be okay with that." Tommen countered.

"He will be dead. I will be in charge. It wont matter." Davina countered nonchalantly.

"Daaaaaaav!" Aegons little voice traveled to them.

"Aeeeeegon?" Davina laughed back.

"Daaaav? Daaav!" Aegon declared running to her.

"He loves you. You would be such a good mother." Gwayne added gently.

"You see I agree with that statement." She admitted. "But I would feel like a bad mother if I passed off my child every time he or she cried or got on my nerves. When its not my kid. I dont care if I hold them out and say take them away."

"You have an answer for everything." Gwayne realized.

"Yep." She agreed picking up Aegon. "Also less work and I like my body just the way it is."

"Me too." Gwayne agreed kissing her shoulder. Davina chuckled. Tommen narrowed his eyes in on gwayne was he real competition for Davinas affection? Tommen never knew davina to love anyone but daemon and himself. Thought slipping back into davinas life would be easy and it was. But finding a way into her heart was going to be challenging.



"Well what?" Gwayne countered.

"How are things on the davina front?" Otto questioned

"She doesnt want to get married. She doesnt want children. I want her." Gwayne remarked.

"And I want more for you than you." Otto corrected.  Tommen hesitated mid step hearing otto speaking of davina. What was he up to? "You are my son and I love you. I want you to be king."

"I know you do-"

"You need to step up your game. The king wants tommen to marry davina. You need to-"


"Get her pregnant! That will secure it!" Otto decided. Tommen gaped peering around the corner. He didnt need to hear any more before he went off to find davina.

"She takes the teas. She doesnt want children. Its not like Im going to force her to have a child with me." Gwayne countered. "Do I want kids? Yeah one day but-"

"No buts." Otto corrected.

"Hey Dav, you alright?" Tommen questioned.

"Is that your way of saying I look bad? Im going out with Gwayne- do I have something in my hair? In my teeth?" She pondered smiling  widely back at him.

"No you look perfect as always." Tommen assured.

"Good." Davina agreed.

"Dav as your best friend know that I take no joy in telling you this though-"

"Oh no thats never good." Dav countered.

"Gwayne is using you."  Tommen blurted out.

"What?" Davina chuckled.

"He wants your crown."

"Doubtful." Davina countered breezily. "He liked me before I was named."

"Davina I just heard him talking with his father-"

"Otto. Now that I believe." Davina murmured.

"I heard them talking Dav. A plan to-to-"

"I believe you." Davina whispered and tommen saw true pain on her face.

"I wouldnt have told you if I didnt think it was necessary. I know you like him... but if you cant trust him." Tommen added cautiously.

"Thanks for telling me Tom." Davina answered. "You are right. I cant trust otto... I thought I could trust gwayne but maybe otto has his hooks in too deep after all."

Take You Back / Gwayne Hightower / Davina TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now