19. Three Guesses

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Party number two was louder and had more cake than the first party. That was how Davina separated the two. Aegon tugged at her dress as he played with a little dragon figurine. davina was bored. There was not enough wine, not enough cake for her to sit through a party with all the ladies of court.

They tried to get in good with Davina and when the realized that wasnt going to happen they insulted her twin instead. Davina it should be known did not like her twin at the moment or in fact, for the past three years, but she hated other people bashing on him even more.

"I'm going to bash heads in." Davina murmured into her glass as she finished it. She felt arms wrap around her before she lunged at Ciera lannister.


"Nope, try again. You have three guesses." The voice countered loosened his grip.

"Tommen?" Davina rasped turning her head.

"We have a winner-"

"TOMMEN!" Davina shouted launching herself at him. "Gods I missed you!"

"That's him." Otto remarked.

"I noticed thank you." Gwayne grumbled.

"You see that? That is why I wanted you engaged." Otto hissed. If his son married Davina Targaryen, then he wouldn't have to push so hard for his grandson to be named heir of the iron throne.

"You dont care about our happiness." Gwayne countered.

"Sure I do." Otto corrected. "Look at Alicent, so happy with-"

"Stop the bullshit. Lets get back to me." Gwayne corrected.

"Your brother wrote and said I needed to come up and congratulate our heir in person." Tommen remarked when Davina finally let him go. " did you get my parcel?"

" I did, but seeing you in person is better than any gift!" Davina squealed.  "Gods I havent seen you in years, in my mind I was still picturing that dorky 14 year old, all arms and legs." Davina looked him over.

"And now?" Tommen did a spin. He had that dornish charm and devilishly handsome good looks.

"Damn." Davina agreed.

"i will accept that compliment." Tommen agreed. "Look at you! Gods gorgeous Davina." She tossed her hair over her shoulder. " but you always were gorgeous."

"Thank you. I know." Davina agreed. she tossed a loch of silver hair over shoulder.

"Go insert yourself into that." Otto demanded. "Before you lose her." Otto gave Gwayne a shove.

"Oh Gwayne, meet Tommen. Tommen this is Gwayne Hightower."

"Hightower, yes Davina wrote to me about you." Tommen remarked giving Gwayne the once over.

"You did?" Gwayne questioned wrapping a possessive arm around Davina's hips.

"Yes I was equally surprised since she isnt a fan of your father." Tommen agreed.

"Does everyone know your hatred of my father? All the down to dorne?" Gwayne mused.

"Yes." Davina agreed. " my two favorite boys in the same room!" she declared happily as she draped an arm over each of their shoulders

"Daaav!" Aegon shouted as if he knew that she was talking about her favorite men, and he needed to be included in it.

" yes, yes, my three favorite men in the same room! To celebrate my favorite littlest man's name day!" She cooed moving to Aegon. Tommen chuckled.

" who would've thought my Davina would be such a softy with babies?" Tommen smiled as he watched her.  Gwayne didn't like that. Not one bit. They are history together. And Davina said nothing but kind things about her dear friend tommen.

Gwayne feared that his father might be right that this Dornish Martel, a prince, dammit coming to kingslanding, was going to ruin his chances. This man would take away the only woman I ever loved. Gwayne decided then in there that he had to step up his game.

"Davina were you joining in the hunt?" Viserys questioned. He smiled reaching a finger out as aegon babbled to davina happily. Davina nodded along. Viserys knew this girl. This woman before him was kind and caring. This woman was powerful and generous. Who gave a shit about those that deserved it. This davina had been clouded by daemon for too damn long.

"Sure." Davina agreed with a shrug. "Aegon you want to hunt a beast with me."

"Nooo!" Aegon corrected shaking his little head fiercely.

"Our brave future leader." Gwayne mused. Viserys chuckled.

"Thats davina." Viserys corrected. "Oh I see tommen is here that is tommen right? He aged nicely."

"You are already wed vis." Davina tsked.

"Oh you," viserys swatted a hand at her.

"He is handsome." Davina agreed. "Charming as ever too." Gwayne clenched his jaw.

"I need to meet the name day boy!" Tommen declared. Davina smiled as tommen wrapped an arm around her running a hand along aegons back.

"Dont you two make the cutest couple. The cutest family!" Viserys decided. Gwayne really hated that.

"Okay. Fine." Gwayne agreed moving to hid father. "Help me keep her." Otto smirked.

"You must do everything i say. Can you manage that?" Otto questioned. Gwayne glanced back at davina and tommen. With one simple word, otto felt victorious.


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