15. Fuck You Stranger

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Is it over now? Ned Stark out now!

Many years ago...

"Im to marry the princess Davina?" Cesar couldnt believe his ears. "How did you fuckers swing that?"

"Baelon was a wreck after Alyssa passed being on the council I gave him a gentle nudge."

"Father this is amazing! I will be royalty-"

"Cesar listen to me. Davina is not going to be a walk in the park."

"I figured as much." Cesar agreed. "Pompous girl with a little crown on her head. Given everything her whole life. She needs a stern hand."

"I have had the pleasure to meet Princess Davina a few times. Shes a spit fire."

"And Im a lion." Cesar reminded him. "I can handle a bit of flames."


"Dude! You are gonna be fucking a princess!"

"I know right." Cesar agreed. "Shes gonna be sucking my cock every night."

"I cant believe you got so lucky. All the ladies at the castle are such prissy do gooders. She is going to bend over backwards to make you happy and satisfy your every desire!"

"Good thing father was on the council when her daddy crooked!" Cesar agreed.

The lannisters were thrilled, one of their own within the royal fold. Davina would be a Lannister and they would rise higher and higher in the ranks.

Cesar was not the ideal candidate but he was the right age. He looked good on parchment and could fake all the pleasantries to get what he wanted.

Now he was getting a princess.

"Does that make me a king?" Cesar questioned.

"Prince and no."

"But if shes a princess and-"

"She is not the queen. Even if she was you would still be a Lord."

"That's a bunch of bullshit if I've ever heard it." Cesar countered.

"Your children will be princes and princesses but you will still be Lord Cesar lannister." Cesar stared back at his father.

"Bull shit." He repeated. "She will be princess Davina Lannister and I'm still a fucking lord? No, no, I'm fucking a princess and giving her little royals then I'm a damn prince."

"Please hold your tongue."

"Why? Everyone knows men rule the world. I could fuck her on the table in front of her king brother at our wedding and she would be praising me." Cesar informed him confidently.

"You don't know Princess Davina."

"I dont have to know her, she will do as I say. As is the way." Cesar remarked.

"Her title is higher than yours, you should be gracious and give more than you take."

"Fuck titles. I'm going to be a prince."

"You are not listening. The princess Davina isnt like other ladies, you will have to woe her. She will not be impressed by you or your confidence."

"I'm not wooing her she should be grateful. I have many prospects." Cesar lied.

"You have your whores like the rest of westeros. You will do as you are bid and put on a smiling face and be kind to that girl. She has a fury inside her and wants an end to this union. I wont let that happen."

"I will make that dragon my bitch." Cesar assured.


Davina glared back at her brother as she was about to be tied to Cesar Lannister. The Lannisters were so happy to be marrying up, a princess, the kings sister. Of course they had heard of the stories about the twins being unstable but Davina just needed a guiding hand. A Lannister hand to lead her down the right path. As the septon spoke Davina tried to magically make her husband to be explode. She stared at him with a dangerous glare.

'Let it be known-'

Let it be not known. Davina griped in her head she couldn't marry him. What purpose would there be to marry a Lannister? None! Zero! Zilch! Cesar stood happily though, but of course he would be happy, he was getting a princess. What was Davina getting besides a headache from the amount of perfume Ceira Lannister was wearing? Nothing! Nada! Zero! Zilch!

'Princess Davina of house Targaryen and Cesar of house Lannister...'

Davina glanced back at Daemon he looked even more venomous than her. she turned her gaze back to Cesar Lannister.

'-are one heart.'


'-One flesh-'

Fuck no.

'-one soul-'

Davina shared her soul with Daemon and only daemon, her body, soul and heart belonged to daemon. Not this sorry excuse for a lion.

'Cursed be he who would seek to tear them asunder.'

Davina would like to tear him apart limb from limb, the cruse would be his not hers. She thought as the septon went on.

'in the sight of the seven, I hereby seal these two souls, binding them as one for all eternity.'

Or until death did Lannister part. Davina thought as she forced a smile.

'look upon one another and say the words.' The septon instructed.

'Father. Smith... warrior...' Cesar looked to Davina her lips clamped closed. Cesar looked to his family, confused.

'Davina.' Viserys hissed.

'Mother.. Maiden...' cesar went on slowly.

'Davina.' Viserys warned.

'Crone and fuck you stranger.' Davina finished glaring back at Viserys he offered the lannister's an apologetic smile. Cesar looked to the septon not sure if that counted but Viserys nodded and if the kings grandson said so then so be it.

'I am hers.' Cesar went on Davina stared bored at him.

"She is staying it in her heart.' Viserys assured. Davina promptly gave him both her middle fingers. "Keep going.' Viserys assured.

'She is... mine.' The way cesar said it was more of a question than a statement. 'From this day until the end of days.'

'um...' the septon looked at an enraged Davina. "Cloak the bride with your protection.' Davina didn't budge so Cesar went around her and draped his cloak over her.

'in the presence of your family and friends I now bind your hands together to symbolize your new union of love... trust and... friendship.' He bound their hands together and Davina felt like she was in chains. Weighing her down. She looked to Daemon and she thought she might cry.

'You may now seal your union with a kiss.' Davina flinched back as Cesar's slimy lips came towards her but with her hands bound to him she couldn't go to far. She thought kissing Cesar what it would feel like kissing a fish. The crowd clapped and Viserys was happy to have Davina be someone else's problem but that didn't last long.

Davina ran outside not able to breath.

"FURY!" she shouted needed to escape

'My love, come to the party.' Cesar said.

"I am not your love, I don't know you. I don't want to know you.' Davina told him marching farther away.

'Listen to me you ungrateful little bitch.' Cesar said grabbing her arm. 'the Lannister name is a name to be proud of and you would do best to remember that you are the one getting something worth while for this transaction.' Cesar sneered.

'What could I get out of this besides shit wine from your even shittier port!" Davina shouted. 'FURY!" she demanded and she could hear him coming.

'Bitch I own you now. you will give me sons, many sons and you will do your fucking part.' Cesar shouted.

'I think not.' Davina said calmly as she pulled her arm from his grasp.

'I don't think you realize who has the power here.' Cesar told her.

"I have the power.' Davina corrected. 'Dracarys.' She demanded and cesar was no more. Her clothes burned away to close to Cesar when Fury fired. Daemon came running out he wrapped his shirt around her pulling her to him. 'Get me out of here Dae.' She whispered.

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