42. Over Eager

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''Push!'' the midwife demanded

''The head!'' another midwife declared kneeling between Rhaenyra's legs. Rhaenyra kept pushing, moaning and groaning in agony but it was almost done, it had to be.

''A boy, Princess.''

''Praise the Mother!'' The baby's cries rang out.

"Ahh." They placed the boy in Rhaenyra's arms, she smiled down at him, another boy. "Healthy?"

" Kicking like a goat, Princess." They assured. Rhaenyra had but a fraction of a moment before the door opened.

"Boy? Girl? Baby dragon?" Davina asked popping her head in.

"Auntie!" Rhaenyra said happily. "A boy."

"Gimme, gimme." Davina said immediately.

'he is still attached to me Auntie." Rhaenyra informed her as she adjusted.

''You should remain abed, Princess...'' Rhaenyra felt the blood dripping between her legs.

''Ooh... Mmm...'' Rhaenyra froze her face pinched her lip quivered

"Rhaenyra..." Davina whispered getting closer to them.

''Mmm." Rhaenyra tried to hush her crying babe as she the pain erupting in her stomach. They cut and tied the umbilical cord.

''Princess? Oh, it's coming. The afterbirth!'' Rhaenyra doubled over groaning. She took a deep steading breath as Davina took the babe from her. Gwayne knew the moment Davina gave in she would be a great mother but the birthing process was hellish. 

"Lay the fuck down." Davina demanded. But there was another knock at the door.

"Princess... the Queen has requested that the child be brought to her... immediately." Elinda one of Alicent's handmaidens informed her.

''Why?'' Rhaenyra said with a groan. Elinda just stared back at her holding out her hands for the babe. ''I'll take him myself.'' Rhaenyra said stubbornly.

''You should remain abed, Princess...''

''Yes, I should!'' Rhaenyra spat. ''Help me dress.''

"I can bring him." Davina offered.

"No, it must be me." Rhaenyra corrected. "Can you check on the boys? Let them know I'm okay?"

"Of course." Davina agreed as she handed the babe back to her.


"A boy." Davina declared.

"I already know the perfect egg!" Jace declared grabbing Davina's hand.

"Harwin, a boy." Davina declared. He couldnt stop his smile. He hadnt laid with Rhaenyra in moons but perhaps this would spark something between them again. "Yeah I knew you would be happy." She agreed. Harwin chuckled. 

"Alicent requested to meet the babe." Davina added softly as Jace and Luke wandered the pits. 

"That's good right?" Harwin countered.

"I gave up trying to get them to play nice." Davina murmured as Jace showed Luke the egg. "What joy she gets out of this, I don't know... they torment each other but..." Davina sighed.

Rhaenyra doubled over groaning. She took a deep steading breath as she righted herself and walked on shaky legs to get to the opposite end of the castle.

''A boy. I've just heard.' Laenor said happily

''Yes.'' Rhaenyra said through pained breaths.

''Well done. Where are you going?''

''She wants to see him.'' Rhaenyra hissed

''Now? I'm coming with you.''

''I should hope so.'' Rhaenyra countered

''Let me take him.'' Laenor offered

''No, she'll get no such satisfaction from me. Just take my arm, at the least.'' Rhaenyra told him stubbornly and he held onto her trying to help her walk.

''Was it terribly painful?''

''Oh gods.'' Rhaenyra grumbled men knew nothing of birthing pain.

''I took a lance through the shoulder once.''

"I will meet you in the pits." Davina remarked "Go meet your brother." Davina told the boys.

''And he sees a big, scary dragon! Mother... look. We chose an egg for the baby.''

''Ahh. That looks like the perfect one.'' Rhaenyra agreed looking down at her boys.

''Not every day an egg leaves the Dragon pit, Princess. I thought it best to escort the lads.'' Harwin remarked.

''Laenor and I thank you, Commander.' Rhaenyra said softly.

''Another boy, I heard. What a fine knight you are going to make, eh? Might I?'' Harwin questioned looking to the babe.

''Ser Harwin wishes to be introduced to Joffrey.'' Rhaenyra told Laenor, Laenor looked to Harwin's deep black hair, much like his childrens hair, he hesitated before passing him off.

''Of course.''

''Joffrey, is it?'' Harwin questioned.

''Mm-hm. Mm.'' Rhaenyra agreed bitterly.

''Father, please may I hold Joffrey?'' Luke questioned.

''No, no. No. Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah. Back to the Dragon pit for you two.'' Laenor remarked.  ''Before they send out a search party.'' Laenor told them leading them out, the door closed

''You're asleep in front of the Commander of the City Watch." Harwin teased down to Joffrey ''Terrible lack of respect.''

''A certain insolence runs in the family, I'm afraid.'' Rhaenyra added looking between them. 

"Davina?" Gwayne questioned. "Davina!" He shouted kneeling beside her. "Whats wrong?"

"I'm sick, obviously' Davina sassed. 

"Do you need a master?" 

"NO probably just..." she gagged again. "Something the kids had going around." she offered. Gwayne wanted to scream you are pregnant but he bit back a smile. It was just his over eager mind. 

Take You Back / Gwayne Hightower / Davina TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now