24. Wrong

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Roshambo / Tormund out now!
"Davina you don't understand!" Gwayne begged. Davina confronted gwayne. Of course she did. She had to.

"Explain it to me. Explain why otto and you were heard talking about me and my crown?" Davina demanded. "The crown you claimed not to care about?"

"I dont!" Gwayne begged.

"Yet tommen-"

"Tommen?" Gwayne scoffed "of course it was tommen."

"Whats that supposed to mean?" Davina hissed.

"He loves you! Davina he wants to steal you from me! He is purposefully sabotaging us!" Gwayne begged.

"So you werent talking to your father about me?"


"Tommen is my best friend. I have known him since I was three! Three! Gwayne gods," davina murmured. "I knew your father was a manipulative shit but I thought you were a good guy-"

"I am!" Gwayne assured.

"Then why are you whispering like a bunch of criminals with your father?" Davina shouted.

"He wanted... I might have... I cant explain it without making me look really bad." Gwayne admitted looking back on the situation.

"When did it start? Was it all a lie?"

"No! My father wanted me to stay away from you in the beginning but I fell for you." Gwayne shouted in agony. "I fell for you davina and keep fucking falling harder and harder."

"When did otto- when I became heir he thought it was great." Davina realized.

"At aegons name day he-"

"That was moons ago!" Davina shouted.

"Tommen came and I didnt want to lose you so i tried to step up my game. I stupidly listened to my father but I dont want your crown!"

"I feel like an idiot." Davina muttered.


"Because I fell for you! Tommen was right you were going to use me just like otto is using alicent."


"Princess dragon incoming." Harwin remarked.

"What?" Davina questioned.

"It looks like-" they heard the eerie and deafening whistle like scream of Caraxes and davina felt herself breaking.

"What is that fucker doing?" Davina hissed marching off.

"Davina?" Gwayne begged.

"I need space." Davina demanded stomping off.

"Forgive me." Gwayne whispered.

"Tommen," davina said through gritted teeth.

"Yeah I saw Daemon come in. Gods that man. Dont worry. You hate him I hate him. Solidarity." Tommen assured.

"Thanks." Davina agreed tipping her head into him.

"You have a talking with gwayne?"

"Yeah. Which is why im sad and moody." Davina grumbled. "I dont want to talk about it."

"Do you call yourself king?" Viserys was asking daemon. Davina couldnt look at them. How could she? After all the hell and heart break daemon had been awful to her and she let him. She was free of him and now he was back with a peace offering but that smug mischievous smile said he was up to something else.

"You dont have to be here for this, Dav. " Tommen reminded her. 

"I know..." Davina admitted. She couldnt help wanting to see her twin even if it killed her inside just a bit. 

'Once we smashed the Triarchy, they named me "King of the Narrow Sea." Daemon informed him and the crowd murmured again, Daemon was no king. Everyone knew of his reputation. Daemon forced his gaze away from Davina and looked to Viserys again. 'But I know that there is only one true king, Your Grace.' Daemon assured. 

"I hate him, I think I hate him and want to bash his face in." Davina decided. "How can he look so smug still?" 

"What are you doing?" Otto demanded his son. 

"I'm giving Davina space to miss me. You stay away from me."  Gwayne countered. "You are the reason I'm miserable." 

"DOnt be so dramatic." Otto huffed. 

'My crown and the Step stones... are yours.' Daemon remarked his eyes wandering around the room. 

'Well, where is Lord Corlys?' Viserys questioned hesitantly, Daemon was not one to bend the knee willingly, Davina knew this, she also knew Daemon liked to play games, mess with their heads. He had been doing it for years and she was finally free of him. Or so she thought. 

''He sailed home to Driftmark.' Daemon told him

'Who holds the Step stones?' Viserys countered, Viserys didnt think about how this was effecting Davina, he didnt think about it, he had Daemon on his mind, he was ready to put daemon in his place and Davina hoped he did but Viserys was the people pleaser, he wouldnt push back against Daemon. 

''The tides... the crabs, and 2,000 dead Triarchy corsairs, staked to the sand to warn those who might follow.' Daemon informed him. Viserys got closer to him and the crowd held its breath. Davina hoped for something bloody but knew it wasnt in viserys nature. 

''Rise.' Viserys said hugging Daemon as he rose and the crowd applauded, there would not be war, but peace. 'The realm owes you a great debt, brother. Come. This is our chance...' Viserys didn't know if this was a bad idea or a very good one letting daemon back into the fold but he would rather have Daemon on his side than starting a war with the crown. Viserys was confident in Davina as his heir, he hoped this wouldnt change her attitude, but he caught her pinched gaze as he hugged Daemon he thought he made the wrong decision.

Take You Back / Gwayne Hightower / Davina TargaryenNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ