35. Sunfyre

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Sickly Sweet / Aemond Targaryen Out now

Lucarys Velaryon was supposed to be having his first name day when Sunfyre arrived at the capital. Davina and Aegon slipped away from the party. Aegon had turned seven and was always jealous that Davina's egg hatched when she was a baby. He wanted to have a bond like that.

"Handsome." Davina remarked. The maesters all said that Sunfyre was the most handsome dragon but Davina obviously disagreed, that title belonged to Fury.

Davina wasnt thrilled with Rhaenyra's choice of bed mate. Maybe it was because she fucked Harwin once upon a time. Maybe it was because Rhaenys already hated them enough as it was without Rhaenyra birthing bastards and calling them velaryon.

Davina was going to be a good aunt, she really was but... Dragons.

She would have apologized but she was davina and didnt like apologizing. She ran off with Aegon and they tried to claim Sunfyre. 

"Where is Davina?" Otto questioned. 

"What are you doing here?" Gwayne murmured. 

"How is the baby making going?"  Otto questioned. 

"Davina loves her niece and nephews." Gwayne answered. 

"That she does." Otto agreed. "You are not giving in." 

"I'm happy with Davina. Stop trying to ruin that." Gwayne agreed. 

"Good Aegon!" Davina declared. "No fear." 

"I'm scared." Aegon corrected. 

"Dont let Sunfyre hear that." Davina corrected. Sunfyre got jittery, anxious, stomping down, Aegon ran behind Davina. Davina didnt have fear until she realized Aegon might not be fireproof. Fury seemed to notice her worry as she glanced down at Aegon. Fury shouted at Sunfyre making him yield. 

"Come on, take my hand, we will try again." Davina suggested. "You know the words. Lets do it together."  Aegon nodded. 

'' Dohaeras!'' Aegon shouted holding onto Davinas hand tight. ''Dohaeras, Sunfyre!'' Aegon demanded and Sunfyre settled staring down at him. 

"Like me! Like me!" Aegon begged. Davina chuckled.

 ''Lykiri! Lykiri!'' Davina corrected.  

"What?" Aegon stared up at her. 

"Hold his eye contact." Davina corrected. Aegon's gaze snapped back to Sunfyre.  ''Lykiri! Lykiri!'' she repeated. "Not like me, sweetie." 

"Oh, Ly..."

''Lykiri! Lykiri!'' Davina repeated, sunfyre stared down at them. 

''Lykiri! Lykiri!'' Aegon demanded.  ''Lykiri! Lykiri!'' Sunfrye quieted ''Lykiri. Dohaeras, Sunfyre!'' Aegon shouted out. "Lykiri!"

"Good," Davina breathed back as Sunfyre submitted. 

"Will you... come up with me?" 

"You want to ride already? Thats my boy, you are not viserys kid, you are mine." Davina decided. Aegon carefully climbed up. Sunfyre kept a weary eye on Fury as he grumbled out puffing out hot breaths. Davina climbed up behind Aegon helping him get his hands in the right position. Aegon smiled back at her. 

"You want to sat it?" 

"Sovengon!" Aegon squealed out as they took flight. Davina had taken him flying on Fury many times but this was his dragon now.

"We get to race each other now!" Aegon realized as they sailed through the clouds. 

"There is another dragon." Rhaenyra remarked staring up at the sky. 

"Sunfyre." Viserys agreed. "He's a beauty." 

"He has a rider?" Laenor questioned. "I didnt think he had a rider not in many years."

'Looks like someone is up there." Rhaenyra agreed. SHe shifted luke in her arms as she stared up at the sky. She glanced around for Davina but she wasnt here. "How much you want to bet that its davina up there?"

"She already has a dragon." Alicent cut in. Rhaenyra glared back at her. 

"Davina doesnt really follow the rules." Rhaenyra corrected. 

"Where is Aegon?"  Alicent questioned.

"Davina has him." Gwayne answered. "Wow, a dragon, that's a new one right... Beautiful."

"Davina got Aegon a dragon." Alicent gushed. 

"He has to do that himself." Rhaenyra corrected. "And I doubt he could do that."

"Yet the dragon has a rider." Alicent sassed. 

Aegon was the happiest boy in the world as they landed. He held tight to Davina, he couldnt believe he finally got a dragon. 

Take You Back / Gwayne Hightower / Davina TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now