29. It's Burtal Out Here

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"You look stunning!" Gwayne declared.

"You clean up nice." Davina agreed kissing him. His arms wrapped around her hips feeling the targaryen red material shift under his touch.

"Dav gorgeous as always." Tommy remarked.

"Oh you're still here?" Gwayne questioned.

"Lets not fight over me." Davina tsked.

"I already won. There is no competition anyways." Gwayne agreed. Tommen chuckled.

''It is with great pleasure that His Grace, King Viserys, announces the start of the royal wedding celebrations. House Lannister with their lord, Jason Lannister. Lord Paramount of the West, and Master of Casterly Rock. House Hightower with their lord, Hobert High tower. Beacon of the South, Defender of the Citadel, the Voice of Old town...'' Harrold announced.

''Congratulations, Your Grace. You have made a fine match for the Princess.'' Jason said as he approached.

''Thank you, Lord Jason. I could think of no better man than Ser Laenor.'' Viserys said with a chuckle.

'Well... if this is only the welcome feast, I admit, I cannot imagine what you might have planned for the wedding.'

''I wanted this to be a wedding for the histories.'' Viserys reminded him.

''Where is the Queen? I had hoped to pay my respects.'' Jason offered looking down the table.

''I understand the Queen is still readying herself for the celebrations." Viserys informed him.

"This is why men wage war... because women would never be ready for the battle in time.'' Jason remarked with a chuckle

''Your presence is always such a pleasure, Lord Jason.'' Rhaenyra remarked stiffly but the doors opened and Davina approached as elegant and regal as the queen she was to be.

''Princess... pricness.'' Jason said before turning to Davina. "Davina, how lovely you-''

'Fuck off Lannister." Davina said with her sweetest of smiles as she sat down next to Viserys. Jason opened his mouth but quickly closed it heading away from the high table.

"Davina." Viserys scolded but Rhaenyra couldn't help but laugh.

"I prefer Tyland to him but even then Lannister's irk me." Davina reminded him. "Why were they invited?"

"I agree." Rhaenyra added with a laugh.

"You always liked to make an entrance." Viserys remarked

"You want me to leave and come back at a more in opportune time?" Davina suggested sweetly. Viserys leaned in towards her.

"No." He whispered kissing her cheek gently. She smirked as she leaned back in her chair. "I see you brought not one but two dates with."

"Ah yes. Gwayne in his greens and Tommen... in his golden hues." Davina agreed. "But Gwayne is my date. Tommen is my drinking buddy."

''Your Graces, Princess Rhaenyra, congratulations are in order.'' Gerold remarked coming up to them.

''We are very honored to have you as a guest, Ser Gerold.'' Viserys agreed ''I must say, I was most distressed to hear of the Lady Rhea's tragic passing. I'm very sorry for your loss.''

"Yes Daemon adored Lady Rhae." Davina agreed. "Spoke so highly of her." She added.

''Lady Rhea was a unique character. Her kind... is not soon to be seen again.'' Gerold told them

''If there is anything the crown might do to aid House Royce...''

''Lord Corlys of House Velaryon. Lord of the Tides, Master of Driftmark. And his lady wife, Princess Rhaenys Targaryen. And their son and heir, Ser Laenor Velaryon.'' Harrold announced as the drums beat.

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