7. Lighten Up

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'Why don't you take the Princess to see about the new Kingsguard posting, Lord Commander?' Viserys suggested

'A fine idea, Your Grace.' Otto agreed but the last thing he wanted was to be babysitting the princess. Rhaenyra followed her guards out begrudgingly. As she looked over the knights she was severely disappointed though.

'A bunch of pansies.' Davina remarked. 'the lot of them.' Rhaenyra chuckled. "Oh Gwayne you dont want to be kings guard."
Davina tsked.

"No. I dont. I like women too much for that
And I take my vows seriously." Gwayne assured. 

"Bet you do." Davina agreed. Otto rolled his eyes. What the hell was happening between them? He didn't like it.

'This knight will protect you as well.' Ser harrold told them confidently. Rhaenyra hesitated

'You should choose.' Otto told Rhaenyra. 'Ser Desmond Caron, a fine knight, Princess.' Otto remarked.

"Step forward, Ser Desmond. Son of Ser Royce Caron, Ser Desmond has proved strong and steady in both the tourney lists and without. While traveling through the Kingswood on his way to King's Landing, Ser Desmond recently brought a would-be poacher to justice. You might thank him for his service, Princess." Harrold remarked.

"We thank you for your loyal service to The Crown, ser." Rhaenyra told him stiffly, still unimpressed.

'They look as though they are from high garden and never seen battle, or perhaps!" Davina declared with a laugh, "their scars are from trimming the roses!' she mused. Otto stared back at her. 'Lighten up,' Davina instructed. 'this is why I don't get along with people.' Davina muttered.

"We get along just fine." Gwayne countered.

"We do. Are you sure otto is your father?" Davina pondered looking them over again. Otto cleared his throat.

"Ser Rymun Mallister. Son of Lord Lymond Mallister of Seagard. Winner of the melee at Cider Hall. He was the last mounted of three-and-twenty knights. Ser Rymun was knighted at eight-and-ten." Otto went on.

"Do any of these knights have combat experience?" Rhaenyra questioned. "Beyond capturing poachers." She added. 'Or playing with flowers.' She mused smiling at her aunt.

'Doubtful.' Davina told her.

'Ser Criston Cole.' Otto went on.

'He knocked Daemon on his ass.' Davina recalled. 'lets keep him.'

"Hes not a puppy." Gwayne chuckled back.

"Son of the steward of the Lord of Blackhaven." Otto added. He was sick of the twins although Davina was an improvement on Daemon both were loud and always thought themselves right. He really hated that his son took such an interest in davina.

"Be welcome, Ser Criston. You saw combat in the Stormlands." Rhaenyra remarked.

"Dornish marches, Princess. I fought for a year as a foot solider against the Dornish incursions. Ser Arlan Dondarrion knighted me after we razed two of the watchtowers along the Boneway." Criston informed her.

"I choose Ser Criston Cole." Rhaenyra said immediately.

'Damn straight, welcome to hell Cole.' Davina teased.

"Let's not be too hasty, Princess." Otto corrected quietly sending Davina a glare. "There's no doubt Ser Criston is a fine warrior, but houses such as Crakehall and Mallister are important allies of The Crown. Seagard, for instance, is the realm's prime defense against reavers from the Iron Islands." Otto reminded her.

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