31. Hot & Hard

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~1 year later~

Davina woke up to sunlight streaming through the window onto her face. She tried to stretch but found her arms trapped.


Hot and hard against her, he was spooning her. His breath was warm in her hair. An arm was thrown possessively over her, hand cupping her breast through the nightdress that was now bunched up around her waist.

Her ass was pressed against some impressive morning wood. Now this was the way to wake up. Warm, safe, and wrapped in strong arms.

He twitched in his sleep, squeezing her breast. Davina bit her lip glancing back at him.

"Hey," davina whispered. "You dreaming of me?" Gwayne chuckled tightening his grip on her.

"Who are you again?" He mused. She reached around slapping him playfully. "Oh, darling... Dani was it?"

"Playing with fire, handsome." Davina purred.

"Davina! Oh where did my mind go? Who's Dani?"

"You are lucky you are cute." Davina decided.

"Thank you, I think so to." Gwayne agreed.

Davina smiled as she got up moving around the room. She brushed out her hair and the glint of the emerald green ring caught her attention. It always did.

It was Gwayne subtle way of saying yes Davina is mine even though we are not married. Stay away. Green. Hightower green. Davina wasnt one for accessories but she wore that emerald green ring on her pointer finger every day since he gave it to her. She liked that he was claiming her while respecting her wishes.

Gwayne had a spring in his step when he found his little sister. She looked up from Aegon he ran to Gwayne the moment he entered the room. 

"Dav?" Aegon questioned peering past him as he held to his legs. 

"I see who the favorite is." Gwayne agreed. Aegon smirked up at him. Gwayne crouched down and turned Aegon to the hallway pointing down the hallway. "Shes on her way to Fury, can you catch up?" Aegon took off on little legs sprinting as fast as he could. 

"DAAAVV!" Aegon demanded arms swinging as he chased after her. Alicent watched her brother smile as Davina turned around scooping Aegon up. 

"You would be a good father, Gwayne." Alicent remarked. Gwayne offered her a small smile. Davina still didnt want children of her own. "Is this good enough, for you?" Alicent questioned.

"We dont have father here to command our every move, our every breath. It's great." Gwayne assured.

"I mean you and Davina, you always wanted more." ALicent countered.

"I did but... if she doesnt I dont."

"I dont understand how you can give that up." ALicent countered.

"If you really love someone, then what you want becomes irrelevant. Their wants become your wants. Meeting their needs becomes your life goal. In return, they'll do the same for you. They'll bend over backward to make sure you're happy." Gwayne remarked. "That's what true and selfless love is," he added a smile curved his face and Alicent knew he was thinking of Davina. "that's the ultimate goal. Labels like marriage and happily ever after don't mean anything. Davina doesnt want to get married and Im okay with that as long as she has a happily ever after with me." Alicent smiled, her brother was truly happy. In a good and committed relationship where he didnt feel the need to listen to their father and his manipulative ways. "It's just an avenue, a way to create a lasting relationship where selflessness can grow."

Davina let that sink in. Aegon stared up at her. He opened his mouth to speak but She hushed him.

"But if you wanted to get married one day?" Alicent questioned.

"Of course I want to marry her. But we basically are in every sense but the name." Gwayne reminded alicent. "We live together. We take care of your children. We have great sex every night-"

"Too much information." Alicent cut in.

"I love her but im okay with how things are. Im great with how things are." Gwayne assured.

"We play?" Aegon questioned. Davina nodded leading him off she took him to the pits and pulled them up onto Fury. Aegon squealed with excitement. Davina thought that if she had a kid, it would be probably just like Aegon. He was sassy, sweet and dragon obsessed, not to mention completely in love with Davina. 

Gwayne would be a good father, Davina had to admit that but she was okay with just raising Aegon, helping her brother and Alicent. 

Viserys hoped now that he was back on his feet after his accident that Davina would decide that she wanted more of Gwayne and a family, she got to hear the peoples requests, their concerns, she sat the iron throne, Viserys may have milked his need to stay out of the publics eye because he liked seeing Davina taking charge, it showed how she would be a good leader one day, he was sad he wouldnt get to see that day so he loved her setting forward now. 

Take You Back / Gwayne Hightower / Davina TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now