60. Long Live Me

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"The king is dead. Long live the queen."

Those words she had long thought would make her happy long live the queen. Didn't. But the king is dead... Her brother was dead.

"Is mama okay?" Draegon questioned.

"Her brother died Draegon." gwayne corrected. "She's really sad."  Davina tried to get ready, she felt like she had to, the realms needed a leader, but she just wanted to cry and grieve her big brother. She wiped at her eyes trying to hold it in as she got dressed for her coronation. Tommen and Alicent were getting everything set up. Davina wanted it done above the pits so Fury and Little Aria could be present. 

"Numbing the pain for a while will make it worse when you finally feel it." Gwayne whispered as she finished braiding her hair. 

"I'm feeling it." Davina corrected. "I just can't show it right now." Gwayne nodded. 

"My queen." Davina rubbed her dry lips together. 

"I can do this right?"

"Yes." Gwayne answered without hesitation. "We are right here for you. No matter what." 

Walking forward Davina didnt care for the pomp and circumstance, but she walked under the swords and made her way forward where Draegon was clapping the whole walk down the aisle until she got to him. Draegon ran to her hugging her legs as she got to the stage. She held to him as she looked to Gwayne and then Fury, he stood happily, his tail wagging as if he understood too that this was a big moment. Aria was sitting between his legs, still a little thing compared to Fury. 

'May the Warrior give her courage. May the Smith lend strength to her sword and shield. May the Father defend her in her need." the Septon began. ''May the Crone lift her shining lamp and light her way to wisdom." Tommen stepped forward the crown in hand. 

"The crown of the Viserys the peaceful," Tommen remarked ''Let the Seven bear witness: Davina Targaryen is the true heir to the Iron Throne." he announced putting the crown on Davinas head.

''All hail Her Grace, Davina Targaryen, second of her Name, Queen of the Andals and the Rhoynar and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm."

"QUEEN DAVINA!" Gwayne declared as they crowd cheered out. 

"Hells yeah, thats my girl." Tommen agreed hugging her. "Congratulations, your gorgeous grace." he added. A smile covered davinas lips but then she felt the ground shake. 

Daemon broke through the floor of the pits, Fury jumped to attention shouting at Caraxes. 

"Thats mine!" Daemon demanded. 

"It's on my head." Davina corrected. "Go away Daemon, you lost. You are scaring my people."

"My people." Daemon hissed. 

"Open the doors." Davina demanded and they flooded out.  Fury shrieked at Caraxes and he faltered back. 

A war of dragons would end bloody. Davina wasnt ready to risk that here and now with Draegon so close. She called Fury back to her side and he marched up on stage his talons digging into the stage. Davina pulled Draegon behind her. She wanted to tell gwayne, tell all of them, Aegon and Aemond and Helaena to run. Tell TOmmen to get Alicent and her kids and go but that might have made Daemon think it was a game and fired down. She wanted to tell Rhaenyra and Laenor to get the boys out too, Joffrey was whimpering into Rhaenyra, Davina could see him cowering from the corner of her eye. Davina looked to Gwayne, he and tommen both pulled their swords free as if that would help against a dragon. 

"Rhaenyra? You changed your mind about us?" Daemon questioned from atop Caraxes. 

"There was never going to be an us. You made that clear. I was just to stupid to see it." Rhaenyra corrected. 

"And all your promises to me if we only got rid of Laenor then we could be together and we could get the throne?" Daemon called down, Laenor's gaze turned sharply to Rhaenyra. 

"I was cruel and wrong." Rhaenrya corrected. "I was acting like you." She realized. "And I dont want to do that." 

"Daemon go." Davina demanded. "This is between you and me. Stop tormenting them." 

"You are right, partially." Daemon agreed swooping down, Davina didnt flinched. "This is about me and whats rightfully mine." he hissed out before flying off. 

Davina couldnt rule when her enemies were so close. Rhaenyra and Laenor were staying in the capital for a while, making amends with Davina and letting the kids get to know each other again. She was glad they could start fresh but there was no starting fresh with Daemon. 

Daemon set up a meeting with her brother, her twin, Daemon, and he was all to eager to see her. Hoping she was coming to her senses, he was so close to the crown he wasnt thinking clearly. 


"Davina you ready for me to take charge? I will be a good king. I promise." Daemon assured. Davina rolled her eyes.  She held out Aegon the conquerors crown not the one she had been crowned with and Daemon's eyes went wide he reached for it and didnt notice the blade, he only saw the crown. 

"No." Davina corrected letting the crown fall. She stabbed him through the chest. Through the heart, with a smile on her face.

"You know a million years ago, you broke my heart." Davina whispered. "But i'm glad you did because I'm really happy now. I would never take you back." Davina laughed out as He choked for breath. She left him there to die and headed home to Gwayne and Draegon. 

"Long live me."

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