Chapter One - Life Changes

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A dirty musk smell lingered and angered my nose hairs as I wiggled my nose from side to side. I had been waiting for fifteen minutes and I was starting to grow impatient. The smiles of a happy family faded slightly on the poster hanging limply in the dimly lit hallway. I swallowed nervously at the lump that had formed in my throat and continuously flicked my eyes to the office door and then back to the poster.

"What the fuck is taking her so long?" I grumbled as I slumped back in my seat.

"Honey, she's just getting all the correct paper work sorted." Dad offered quietly.

I took a deep breath and sat up straighter in my seat. I was determined to give a great first impression as I was dealing with a new case worker. Tania, was our original case worker but she's apparently on maternity leave, the selfish bitch. I'm only kidding...not really. Now, I had to deal with a new case worker who still had the power to say 'no'. I could've been a mother over a month ago but Bobby-Lee seemingly forgot to pass on a simple message. Just thinking about him made me furious. A large hand wrapped around mine and pulled me out of my deep thoughts. Jack. He was so supportive and sexy.

"Maybe, just take some deep breaths and try to relax?" Jack suggested as he could see how tense I was. I gave him a tight smile and took a deep breath trying to relax. It seemed like it was working until the office door swung open and revealed a tall blonde woman in her later fifties, who I assumed was my new case worker.

"Hello, Miss Cameron Henderson such a pleasure to meet you. I'm Aiesha Botha and I am your new adoption case worker." She reached forward and offered me her hand politely, I took it firmly in my own and shook it. She had a heavy Afrikaans accent and she had a bright smile that screamed kindness. She looked at Jack and shook his hand and then did the same to Dad while asking their names. "So I understand there is a change in the adoption plan and from the notes Anna gave me, I read Bobby-Lee Zeeth is no longer an active participant in this adoption, is that correct?" Even though she was super polite and had the kindest of smiles I couldn't help but be scared of her; maybe it was her Afrikaans accent.

"Yes, that is correct." I said quietly. I looked anywhere but her as her intense glare made me nervous at the thought of her saying no.

"Well, that's perfectly fine, as long as you are still fully committed and willing for this adoption to commence?" She asked politely.

"Oh yes, of course!" I said hurriedly, hoping I wasn't giving her the impression I didn't want the adoption any more.

"Well alright then. I am just going to need Cameron for the first half and then I'm going to need Mr Craig Henderson for the second half of the paper work." She stated simply before nodding at me and walking back into her office, holding the door open. I sat across from her and started to fiddle with my keys as she typed on her computer.

"Nice painting. I have a replica like yours at home." I said trying to make conversation.

"Ah yes, I got it as a gift from my father. I adore it completely. The storm." She said with a bright smile.

"Yeah, La Tempete, 1880, Pierre Auguste Cot. I got it as a present from my grandfather after my graduation." I said with a smile. Right at this very moment I missed my Granddad.

"Alright, lets get down to business. Do you still live at the same address?"


She click on the mouse and asked me another question. "You have two dogs, correct?"

"Yes, two dogs."

*Click* "Are you still a police woman, working for the Claireview police department?"

I paused slight remembering my suspension for shooting Darrel in the arm. "Yes." I mumbled.

*Click* "Do you have two grandmothers still alive?"


*Click* "Your mother and father are still alive. Martha and Craig Henderson."


*Click* "You have two twin older brothers and one younger sister, Ethan, Edward and Carol."


*Click* "No one in your family has a criminal record?"

"No, god no!"

*Click* "Okay. I'm obliged to ask this as its protocol. Are you currently involved in a sexual relationship with anyone? I ask you this because you are no longer with Bobby-Lee so..."

I blinked at her multiple times before I spoke. "Yes. I'm with Jack." I said while avoiding eye contact.

"Jack, the guy outside?" I nodded my head and waited for her next question.

"Would you be able to tell me his full name, occupation and if he has any previous criminal convictions, please."

I blinked at her a couple of times and I realised I didn't really know Jack at all. We were so new. We were literally a brand spanking new couple and I had already told him to go, but he was adamant he was going to stick around. "Mrs. Botha, Jack and I are a very, very new, like we only just banged last night..." I looked at her and she looked back at me with wide eyes. Great, now I've gone and done it. Why couldn't I keep my mouth shut? I dropped my head in my hands and waited for her to tell me the adoption would be called off. To my surprise she started to laugh.

After two minutes she regained her composure and looked at me with a bright smile. "Well, that's pleasant to hear that you are getting laid but I need to know his full name, occupation and criminal history. If you don't know then that's perfectly fine, he's right outside the door for me to ask."

"Oh no, I know his name, Jack Thompson, he's 29 turning 30 soon and he's an emergency doctor at Claireview Hospital. He works with my Dad. My Dad is his boss. My Dad isn't very happy about Jack and I but he'll get over it." I said hurriedly as I was starting to become nervous. Why couldn't I just act cool?

"That's better. Criminal conviction?" She asked politely while tapping on the keyboard.

"I-I don't know." I stated simply while looking at her. My eyes glazed over and I became scared. What if she says no? What if I got all excited coming here for no reason? She looked at me and then stood up and went to the door.

"Jack Thompson, do you have any criminal convictions?" She asked Jack from underneath her doorway. I couldn't see him because she was standing in the way.

"No." Jack stated with a slight chuckle. She mumbled a thank you and came back in, closing the door firmly behind her.

"Miss Henderson, are you okay?" She asked with a slight smile. She turned all her attention on to me and I squirmed under her intense stare. I broke down crying. What. The. FUCK! I'm crying in front of a woman who will decide whether I am worthy of being a parent or not. "Are you scared Miss Henderson?"

"Ye-Yes." I sobbed out. I grabbed a couple of tissues from the box she had pushed at me and I wiped furiously at my tears.

"Why?" She asked in a quiet voice.

"I'm s-scared you'll say no-no. I'm scared you'll say yes and I will be the worst mother known to man ki-kind. Its just really hitting me th-thats all." I sobbed as I tried to tell her how I was feeling.

"You already love that child and you haven't met her. Every mother, even though they will never say it, are scared shit less of failing. Mothers are human, they're not perfect and they will make mistakes. You will make mistakes. There will be times when she's going to challenge you and you're going to get angry and send her to time out or ground her. It doesn't make you bad Mum, it makes you a caring and great Mum. Lily hasn't had a great up bringing. Her mother was addicted to drugs and she let her boyfriend sexually assault, torture and hurt her little girl." I froze and looked up at Mrs Botha in shock. What kind of an animal would let someone harm her child? "Lily needs someone who is going to love her, protect her and take care of her. Are you willing to do that for Lily?" She looked at me in question.

"Yes." I said firmly. No one will ever hurt Lily again.

"Then that's all that matters. Lets finish signing these papers so you can go and meet her. She will have to stay with the foster family one more night and she can come home tomorrow. Protocol."

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