Mission finding Ansh

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All were damn shocked and were just confusingly looking at kunj.

Ra- how can u be so sure kunj that ansh is kidnapped?

D- and who kidnapped him?

K(pointing towards screen)- this man who was talking to ansh in the shop is the kidnapper.

Nik- but he is going r8 in front of us and ansh is not with him then how?

K- look carefully he is carrying a big teddy bear. Ansh is inside it and he deliberately off cctv so that he can put ansh inside it.

Ro- but if thats the case then why ansh is not struggling to come out. He must have shout....there were so many people around them. Someone would have helped him.

K- he must have made him unconscious. Its not that much tough.

Ra- and not only him but all those 3 men were involve in it thats why they surrounded ansh and one from them made ansh unconscious. Soft toys collection were just beside them only so they took a big fluffy teddy enough to fit him and put ansh inside it. During this they cut wire of cctv so that noone will notice their action and in corridor's cctv it will look like they have bought this teddy so they r going back home taking it.

K(nods)- exactly....smart plan....(bangs his fist on the table)damn it....

D- he must be very powerful person the way he switched off cctv at exact time and this mall's security is also very high. Its not at all easy for a random person to kidnap a kid between so many people roaming around. It was all well planned.

Par- but for that he should have a strong motive behind it otherwise Why anyone will mess up with kunj bhai just like that?

K(angrily)- i swear whoever he is and whatever motive he has but i m gonna break his every damn bones in his body once i found him. He dared to mess with my possession my family. I m fucking kill him.

Ra(pats his shoulder)- calm down kunj we will find him dont wry but lets go to home first. There we will think what to do next. See twinkle's situation is also not that much good.

All looks at twinkle who was looking at an empty space with no emotions as if someone has snatched soul from her body. She was just standing bcz of kunj's support. Kunj feels like to kill himself at that moment only seeing her like that. He hugs her close to himself.

K(whispers)- twinkle its ok ansh will be with u soon i promise.

T(very slowly)- they took him r8 in front of me...

All(damn shocked)- what?

T(starts crying)- i..i saw this man carrying this teddy but i didnt have any idea that my ansh is inside it. Ohh babaji what happened to my senses. I should have stopped him.....kunj anshhh....they were taking my baby away r8 in front of my eyes but i couldnt recognise him....i should have been careful.......(she starts crying very badly palming her face. All were looking at her sympathetically not knowing how to console her)

K(hugs her)- shhh its ok twinkle u didnt knw that ansh was inside that teddy. U r not at all fault and dont wry i will find him soon pkka. (but twinkle's condition was still same. No consoling words were working for her. She was just blaming herself and was badly crying for ansh)

K(attaches his forehead with her)- pkka wala promise twinkle i will give u ur ansh back but pls dont be like this. Its hurting me to see u in this situation. Pls calm down and trust ur kunj pls twinkle. For now u go home with everyone and i m going to take ansh back ok.

T(shaking her head)- no i will also come with u. I want to meet my baby kunj god knws in which situation he must be in....

K(sighs)- twinkle....do u trust me? (she nods) then pls go and take rest for sometime. Let me handle this.

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