Twinkle and ansh care for kunj

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A- papa tell me na what is rough night?

K(little loudly)- ansh stop repeating it again and again. (ansh becomes scared listening his tone and immidiately shuts his mouth)

A(slowly)- sry...

K- hmm and i was just telling mumma that as weather is changing so maybe it will rain in somedays so be careful and not to let u play outside much that u will fall ill otherwise (showing his hand) u will have to deal with me and that night will turn to be rough night for u. Is that clear now? (ansh scaredly nods) good and now i m directly warning u so be careful ok. Now go and study for sometime.(Ansh immidiately runs from there in his room making kunj sigh in relief.) uff these kids and their curiosity. Kunj u have to control ur mouth in front of him now and this siyappa queen toh na.....once let her come then i will see her. She trapped me with him and herself ran out huh she is taking advantage of my this situation and this fucking pain.......ouchh babaji why the hell it is paining now too when i even took shot for this.

T(entering inside)- what happen kunj sarna. Why r u blabbering in all alone and where is ansh.

K(glaring her)- u just come here. I will tell u where is he.

T(laughs)- so how was the experience to make ur son understand ur wild words. Now got it how much embarassed situation it is when he listen ur not so lovely talks. U toh dont have any shame and whenever he ask anything u just walk out very casually and i have to handle his questions. Now very good mr kunj sarna. U got the taste of ur own medicine.

K- whatever...wse bhi he gives u  tough time bcz u let him do that.

T(confused)- what u mean.....wait what u did with my baby kunj where is he?

K(smirks)- i just used my brain and now he is studying in his room and dont wry now he wont even dare to ask anything about this.

T(grits her teeth)- kunjjjj.....u again scold him. Idiot sadu khadoos sarna. (kunj just rolls his eyes) aghhh what should i do of this man babaji.....U na wait i will take revenge for my baby but for now have this soup then rest for sometime.

K- hmm and give me one pill from that packet.

T- what is it for?

K(sipping soup)- pain...

T- no not anymore painkiller. Kunj u already have taken 3 pills not again. It will effect ur health.

K- i knw yrr but what should i do. It is really paining a lot. I took these much pain meds still no effect.

Twinkle melts seeing him as his face was showing he is in so much pain. She sits beside him and takes bowl from his hand and puts it on side table making him confused.

T- get up little i will arrange pillows behind ur back then u can sit comfortably. Maybe by this position ur pain will reduce a little.

Kunj nods and twinkle arranges behind him and he sits comfortably leaning to it then she takes bowl and forwards spoon towards his mouth signals him to have it. Kunj smiles and have it.

K- wse u should go in his room. Give him ur time. I m fine.

T(feeding him)- no for now my big baby needs me more than him so my whole time is for u and he will also understand this.

K- okk momma....(twinkle laughs and like this she feeds him soup then makes him lie down properly)

T- do one thing turn on ur stomach i will massage ur back ok.

K- no its ok twinkle u dont need to do this. I will be ok in sometime.

T- shut up and do what i say. For now u r a patient so behave like one and obey to all of us otherwise u will have to take big big injections.

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